Cheshire East Council: Home services
1 - 10 of 10 Home services, provided by Cheshire East Council.

Cheshire East Council

An advocate is someone who can support or represent you when dealing with everyday problems or in times of crisis. They can offer you support and information on how you can access your rights. They act on your behalf if ...
Contact: Advocacy Services, , Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1HZ.

Care and support for adults
We want to help you to stay independent for as long as possible. Live Well Cheshire East provides a wealth of information and advice to help you maintain your wellbeing and improve the choice and control over the care an...
Contact: Livewell Cheshire East, .

Care and support for adults
Our purpose is to get the greatest possible increase in independence for those adults, families, carers and communities who need help. We will do this by: Listening to people so that we understand their needs and the ...
Contact: Cheshire East Council, , Riverside Mountbatten Way, Middlewich Road, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1DG.

Carer breaks
Being a carer can be emotionally and physically very tiring. Many carers don't think enough about their own health and well-being and may suffer from exhaustion or stress as a result. Taking a break from caring is essent...
Contact: Cheshire East Carers, , Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1HZ.

Cheshire East Care and Repair
If you are over 60, or have a disability, and need help with repairs oradaptations to your home and you live in the former district of Congleton, then we can help you. Our service offers: A Caseworker visit to you at ...
Contact: Cheshire East Care and Repair, , Floor 5, Delamere House, Delamere Street, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW1 2JZ.

Day opportunities - find a service near you
There are lots of opportunities available in your local area for you or a family member to attend where care and support is provided whilst you socialise, meet friends, have a meal and take part in a variety of activitie...
Contact: Livewell Cheshire East, .

Find a Live Well service
Find over 3,000 health, well-being and support services in Cheshire East Find a Live Well Service
Contact: Livewell Cheshire East, .

Flexible Transport Service
Community and flexible transport services Community, voluntary and flexible transport services include services for older people, disabled people or people who do not have access to a car and who live in rural areas wit...
Contact: East Cheshire Community Transport, , The Old Security Lodge, Crewe Hall, Weston Road, Crewe, Cheshire East, CW1 6UZ.

If you’re homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, contact our Housing Options Team. If you're not yet homeless, we may be able to find a way for you to stay in your current home. For ways we can help, see prevent...
Contact: Housing, .

Independent Living Loan
A loan for owners to carry out essential home adaptations How much the loan can be worthUp to £15,000. What it pays for There are three ways you can use this loan to pay for adaptations: to pay your means teste...
Contact: Mobility and Occupational Therapy, , Westfields, Middlewich Road, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1HZ.
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