Greater Manchester: Information and Options > Information / Signposting / Gateway service services
1 - 20 of 64 Information / Signposting / Gateway service services in Greater Manchester.
Age UK Bolton

Information and advice
Information, advice and assistance on a wide range of issues that are affecting people over the age of 50 and their carers. We can help with benefits,pensions, housing, other money issues, health & social care matte...
Contact: Age UK Bolton, The Square, 53-55 Victoria Square, Bolton, Lancashire, BL1 1RZ.
Age UK Bury

Information and Advice
Age UK Bury offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers. Our advisers are trained to help you on the following topics - Social care - Your income - Your home...
Contact: Age UK Bury, The Jubilee Centre, Mosley Avenue, Bury, BL9 6PQ.

Keeping in Touch
This is a telephone service supported by Age UK Bury Volunteers, offering Bury residents over 60 a regular call to have a chat, and answer any queries they may have. This is a valuable way to help older people c...
Contact: Age UK Bury, The Jubilee Centre, Mosley Avenue, Bury, BL9 6PQ.
Age UK Oldham

Choosing the Right Care and Support
Choosing the Right Care is a project that provides an independent support and information service to anyone who requires any assistance in finding suitable care within the community or in a care home in the Oldham area. ...
Contact: Age UK Oldham, 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

Information, advice and support
How we can help you: Money & Benefits - Housing Issues - Disabled transport queries - Form filling (specific age related benefits and carers allowance) - Understanding documents - General advice - Local servic...
Contact: Age UK Oldham, 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.
Age UK Salford

Information and advice
Age UK Salford in partnership with Salford Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) and DLS Solicitors offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers.
Contact: Age UK Salford, 108 Church Street, Manchester, M30 0LH.
Age UK Stockport

Information and advice
Age UK Stockport offers a free and confidential information and advice service for older people, their families and carers. Topics we cover include: Benefits - Blue Badge Applications - Housing - Transport Options - Con...
Contact: Age UK Stockport, 56 Wellington Street, Stockport, Cheshire, SK1 3AQ.

Isolation and Social Engagement
Are you feeling isolated and lonely
Contact: Age UK Stockport, 56 Wellington Street, Stockport, Cheshire, SK1 3AQ.
Age UK Tameside

Information & Advice
Providing information is one of the most important things that we do. We provide a free service helping you with welfare benefits, financial issues associated with approaching retirement, consumer rights and social care...
Contact: Age UK Tameside, 131 Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire, OL6 7AW.
Age UK Trafford

Information & advice
Some of the topics we cover are: State Pensions - Benefits advice and support e.g. Attendance Allowance/Pension Credit - Form filling (by appointment) - Making a will (discounted wills service available by appoint...
Contact: Age UK Trafford, 1-3 Church Road, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9EH.
Age UK Wigan Borough

Information & Advice
We offer information and advice on a wide range of issues such as: Disability benefits, Attendance Allowance, Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment and Carers Allowance - Welfare benefits, Pension C...
Contact: Age UK Wigan Borough, Pennyhurst Mill , Haig Street, Wigan, Greater Manchester, WN3 4AZ.

Beacon (NHS continuing healthcare advocacy)
Provides in-depth specialist advice, advocacy and case management for people at any stage of the NHS continuing healthcare assessment, appeal or care planning processes. We aim to ensure that people who may be entitled t...
Contact: Beacon, 10 Napier Court Barton Lane, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3YT.
bid services

Bid Services
bid services is a UK registered charity working with deaf, deafened, hard of hearing and physically and sensory disabled people across the UK. Our Mission Statement: “Working in partnership with deaf people to pro...
Contact: Bid Services, The Deaf Cultural Centre, Ladywood Road, Birmingham, B16 8SZ.
Bolton at Home

Energy efficiency
Using your electricity and gas efficiently There are lots of things we can all do both at work and home to save energy, improve recycling and to reduce waste. Being energy and resource efficient not only saves the ...
Contact: Bolton at Home, Bolton, Lancashire.
Bolton Council

Carers Information and Services
Information and Advice If you are looking after someone and need advice and information, Bolton Carers Support provides a dedicated service for carers. You can contact their helpline and ‘listening ear’ ...
Contact: Care, Health and Advice, Older People's Help Desk, Town Hall, Victoria Square, Bolton, Greater Manchester, BL1 1RU.

Disabled people - independence at home
Support is given to help people maintain tenancies and help people live independently in their own home. Domiciliary care agencies and Outreach Services support people to live in their own homes across Bolton to he...
Contact: Health and Social Care, Bolton Council, Town Hall, Victoria Square, Bolton, Greater Manchester, BL1 1RU.

Home Care
Home Care is arranged by Bolton Council. The type of service we can provide will vary from person to person, but can include helping you to get up and go to bed, help with personal care, collecting your pension, help wit...
Contact: Health and Social Care, Bolton Council, Town Hall, Victoria Square, Bolton, Greater Manchester, BL1 1RU.

Services for people with sight loss
The services that we provide are: · A home visit to talk about any concerns arising from a visual or dual sensory loss · E...
Contact: Visual Impairment Team, The Sensory Centre, Brinks Place, Chorley Street, Bolton, Greater Manchester, BL1 4AL.
Bolton Council of Mosques

Bolton Council of Mosques
BCOM itself has a number of staff, voluntary forums and is involved in a number of projects. These include the provision of circumcision clinics, burial facilities, mentoring and counseling, raising funds for those in ne...
Contact: Bolton Council of Mosques, 1 Vicarage Street, Bolton, Lancashire, BL3 5LE.