Disabled people - independence at home

What does it do?

Support is given to help people maintain tenancies and help people live independently in their own home.  Domiciliary care agencies and Outreach Services support people to live in their own homes across Bolton to help them maintain and develop their independence.
Support can also be provided to set up and manage a tenancy.  This includes help with money matters, filling in forms, claiming benefits and assisting with setting up your new home and  may also include accessing furniture, gas and electrical suppliers.

Who it is for?

Support is given to disabled people who live in Bolton.

Where it is available?

Local service (Bolton).

What it costs:

Direct Payments are a way of arranging your own services instead of Bolton’s Adult Services arranging them for you. You can use the money to meet your personal and domestic care needs. You can use the money to employ staff or pay an agency to provide the support you need.

How to access or apply for it:

For further information contact Bolton Council:
Town Hall
Victoria Square

01204 333333


Info last updated:

Bolton Council, Town Hall, Victoria Square, Bolton, Greater Manchester, BL1 1RU