State Pension (Factsheet 19)

This factsheet has information about the new State Pension (for people reaching State Pension age on or after 6 April 2016) and the old State Pension (for people who reached State Pension age before 6 April 2016). It explains how to claim your pension and


Income Tax (Factsheet 15)

This factsheet gives basic information about Income Tax for older people. It explains tax rates, the main types of income that are not taxable and tax allowances. It also outlines how different sorts of income are taxed and includes some examples of how t


Benefits for people under State Pension age (Factsheet 56)

This factsheet provides: Information about benefits for people under Pension Credit age (this is currently 62 ½ and will be 63 by April 2016); Information about Universal Credit and how it will affect people claiming other benefits; Disability and care


Equity release: Deciding whether equity release is right for you

This factsheet provides information about different types of equity release, such as lifetime mortgages and home reversion plans. It includes information on: ⚫ what to consider before deciding on a particular product ⚫ equity release regulations and saf


Disability equipment and home adaptations (Factsheet 42)

This factsheet covers the help you can get from the local authority to manage your daily tasks at home through the provision of specially designed equipment or home adaptations. It should be read in conjunction with Age UK’s other relevant factsheets


Buying Retirement Housing (Factsheet 2)

This factsheet provides information for people who are considering buying retirement housing. It covers management of retirement schemes, what services may be provided and what you will have to pay for. It briefly explains your rights and responsibilities


Home improvements and repairs (Factsheet 67)

This factsheet provides information about the help you can get if your home is in a poor condition or unsuitable for your needs. It includes information on the financial assistance and practical support available to help you make improvements, as well


Crime Prevention for Older People

Information on simple precautions that can be taken to protect you or to help you to overcome the effects of being a victim of a crime.


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