Specialist housing for older people
Developments (or ‘schemes’) typically include 20 – 50 properties, though more recent ‘retirement villages’ may have 300 or more. Whilst villages are likely to have their own on-site services and therefore be remote from town or city life, most schemes are built close to social, transport and shopping facilities. Retirement/Sheltered housing Sometimes referred to as […]
Celebrating housing for later life!
Voting for the EAC National Housing for Older People Awards 2019 is now open, and residents, staff and visitors of all UK retirement housing schemes and developments are encouraged to join in this annual celebration. Visit our new Housing Awards website to read more: eacawards.org.uk Whether you live in retirement housing, work in a development […]
Select Committee recommends a national strategy for older people’s housing and expansion of housing advice and information
“A national strategy for older people’s housing is needed to bring together and improve policy in this area” is the overarching conclusion of a cross-party House of Commons Select Committee report published today. Detailed recommendations include: The existing FirstStop Advice Service should be re-funded by the Government to provide an expanded national telephone advice service, […]
Housing for older people – Feed back to Government
The Communities and Local Government Committee is holding an inquiry on housing for older people. The Committee have set up a web forum to hear directly from older people about their experiences of moving home in later life. This will help them understand the challenges people face and help us to focus our inquiry on […]
Older women’s cohousing group finally moves in!
A group of pioneering women have set up the UK’s first older women’s cohousing project in High Barnet, north London. Cohousing communities are created and run by their residents. Each household has a self-contained, private home but residents come together to manage their community and share activities. Supporters of cohousing argue that it is a […]
EAC and Care & Repair England launch new guide to commissioning advice services for older people
This guide is based on the experience of EAC FirstStop working with local FirstStop partners. It offers commissioners model clauses which can be used in specifications describing services providing housing and related care and finance advice for people in later life. The Care Act 2014, and Guidance, places new duties on local authorities to ensure […]