West Sussex County Council: Home services
1 - 6 of 6 Home services, provided by West Sussex County Council.

West Sussex County Council

Adult social care assessment
Assessment for people with social care needs If you think you need social care support you have the right to ask us to assess your needs. An assessment helps us identify your social care needs, what’s important to...
Contact: West Sussex Adult Social Care, , County Hall Tower Street, The Grange, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1QT.

Day Centres
There are seven Day Opportunity Hubs across West Sussex providing day time activities for older people and people with disabilities.
Contact: Social Care and Health, , West Sussex.

Home adaptations and equipment
Alarms, equipment and adaptations to help you stay independent.
Contact: Health and Social Care, .

Home Fire Safety Checks
We will visit you at home to offer advice on how to make your home safe and where appropriate fit a smoke alarm for free.
Contact: West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service, , West Sussex County Council, County Hall, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1RQ.

Meals on Wheels
Order meals and have them delivered to your own home. In West Sussex, nutritious meals and desserts are delivered by HILS, who offer a wide choice for every day of the year.
Contact: West Sussex Adult Social Care, , Worthing and Lancing kitchen, Gordon Road, The Grange, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 1DB.

Social care support
Most people value their independence. Some of us need help to achieve it. That's where home care - also known as domiciliary care - comes in.In West Sussex, we work in partnership with people who use our services, with c...
Contact: West Sussex Adult Social Care, , County Hall Tower Street, The Grange, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1QT.
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