Regenerage: Home services
1 - 5 of 5 Home services, provided by Regenerage.

Access to Benefits
Our team of benefits boffins are masters at securing all kinds of money for people over the state pension age. From Attendance Allowance, Carers Allowance, Pension Credits, Savings Credits and Council Tax Reduction...
Contact: Regenerage, , Beech House, Lancastergate, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 2EX.

Charnley Fold Enhanced Day Support
At Charnley Fold in Bamber Bridge, our enhanced day service supports individuals to engage in an extensive therapeutic activity programme taking into account the needs of the person, their cultural beliefs and preference...
Contact: Regenerage, , Arkwright House, Stoneygate, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 3XT.

Dementia Community Links
Community Links for People with Dementia enabling people with memory concerns to maintain independence and achieve wellbeing through meaningful activity and the pursuit of interests. Dementia Community Links (former...
Contact: Regenerage, , Arkwright House, Stoneygate, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 3XT.

Nail Clipping
If you want to keep tripping the light fantastic or would like to show your tootsies some love, then our nail clipping service is for you! Did you know that perfectly pruned nails can help to maintain your mobility,...
Contact: Regenerage, , Arkwright House, Stoneygate, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 3XT.

Withy Trees Day Support
At Withy Trees Day Support Centre, we provide practical, emotional and person centred support for older people living with dementia. A warm and friendly environment enables opportunities for social interaction and partic...
Contact: Regenerage, , Arkwright House, Stoneygate, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 3XT.
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