Nottingham City Council: Home services
1 - 12 of 12 Home services, provided by Nottingham City Council.

Nottingham City Council

Albany House
Albany House Day Service, in St Ann's, provides support to people with physical and sensory, mental health and learning disabilities and also provides specialist dementia support. During your first few weeks at Alba...
Contact: Adult Social Care Provision, , Loxley House Station Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG2 3NG.

Blue Badge Scheme
The Blue Badge Scheme provides a national arrangement of parking concessions for people with severe walking difficulties, who travel either as drivers or passengers. The scheme also applies to registered blind people, an...
Contact: Nottingham City Council - Processing & Enforcement Services, , PO Box 10169, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 9HS.

Day services
Day services provide opportunities to meet others in a supportive environment, enabling you to enjoy your independence and get involved in a range of group or community activities. The service caters for different needs...
Contact: Acorn Resource Centre, , Mary Potter Centre, 76 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham, NG7 5HY.

Equipment to Help You
Grab rails, ramps and advice about adapting your home If you have problems getting around your home there are items of equipment or adaptations that can make life easier and help you to maximise your independence and st...
Contact: Health and Social Care, .

Most local councils and housing associations let their properties through a central system known as choice-based lettings. Once you have completed your application for housing, you will be given a priority rating ba...
Contact: Nottingham HomeLink, .

Marcus Garvey Centre
The Marcus Garvey Day Centre primarily caters for the needs of older African/Caribbean citizens with dementia, physical, sensory and mental health disabilities. All the staff at the Centre are from African-Caribbean back...
Contact: Marcus Garvey Centre, , Lenton Boulevard, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 2BY.

Preventative Adaptations for Older People (PAD)
The Preventative Adaptations (PAD) scheme offers a comprehensive range of minor adaptations to reduce the risk of falls and to increase.your safety in your home. It is a FREE service for people aged 60 or over living in ...
Contact: The Adaptations Agency, , 77 Radford Boulevard, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 3BQ.

Recovering From an Illness
Help for living at home whilst in recovery. If you are recovering from an illness and a stay in hospital you may need some help when you get home. If this is the case the hospital staff will make a referral for you ...
Contact: Intake Reablement, , Mary Potter Centre, 76 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 5JD.

Technology to help you - Telecare
Assistive Technology, also known as Telecare, allows people to remain living independently for as long as possible by providing them with the technology to support them.
Contact: Telecare Team, , Flat 1 Kersall Court, Kersall Drive, Highbury Vale, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG6 9DT.

The Adaptations Agency
Examples of the work we may do range from a handrail over the bath to a walk-in shower, stairlift or ramp. Some of the work is free of charge and there are various schemes available which apply whether you are a tenant o...
Contact: The Adaptations Agency, , 77 Radford Boulevard, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 3BQ.

The Indian Community Centre
The Centre aims to develop, maintain and prevent the loss of a person's independence by enabling people to rebuilt their confidence, increase socialisation and an overall improvement in their quality of life.At the India...
Contact: Adult Social Care Provision, , 99 Hucknall Road, Carrington, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 1QZ.

The Mary Potter Centre
The Mary Potter Centre offers easy convenient and local access to City Council services, local GP practices, NHS Nottingham City clinics and Nottingham City Homes, all from under one roof.
Contact: Nottingham City Council, , 76 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 5HY.
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