East Riding of Yorkshire Council: Home services
1 - 16 of 16 Home services, provided by East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

East Riding of Yorkshire Council

Aids, equipment and adaptations
If you are getting older, and/or have a care need, but want to stay independent and continue living in your own home, you may be able to with some specialist equipment or adjustments to your home. Living aids and equipm...
Contact: Your Life Your Way, , County Hall, Beverley, HU17 9BA.

Arranging Adult Care
The service provides practical assistance to enable people to live as independently as possible and to remain in their own home for as long as is reasonably possible. The service includes: Personal care - Provision of me...
Contact: Your Life Your Way, , County Hall, Beverley, HU17 9BA.

Blue badge parking permits
If you have severe mobility issues, a non-visible (hidden) condition, or are an organisation that cares for those who do, you may be entitled to a Blue Badge parking permit.
Contact: Health and Social Care, , County Hall, Beverley, HU17 9BA.

Caring for Someone
"I'd like to know about the support I can get while I am caring for someone"
Contact: Your Life Your Way, , County Hall, Beverley, HU17 9BA.

Connect - search our directory
Your journey to health and wellbeing starts here. Search our directory to find help with a wide range of health and wellbeing services.
Contact: Health and Wellbeing, .

Day care and activities for adults and older people
Information on what daytime activities are available for adults and older people, your nearest day centre, whether you need your own transport and how to pay for, and access, these activities. Where can I find informati...
Contact: Care and support for adults, .

Disabled facilities grant
Help with home adaptations for disabled people. A disabled facilities grant is a means-tested council grant of up to £30,000 to assist with the costs incurred in adapting your home to allow access to normal househ...
Contact: Healthy Homes Team, , The East Riding of Yorkshire Council, DF33, County Hall, Cross Street, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 9BA.

Going into and leaving hospital
The Short Term Assessment and Re-ablement Service (STARS) provide an assessment and short term home care support service, up to a maximum of six weeks, this is designed to maximise independence enabling people to continu...
Contact: Your Life Your Way, , County Hall, Cross Street, Beverly, North Humberside, Yorkshire, HU17 9BA.

Home Safety Checks
South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue are trying to encourage older people to sign up to its free home safety checks, including the fitting of free smoke alarms, and to heed fire safety advice with the risk of fire...
Contact: South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, , 197 Eyre Street, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S1 3FG.

Housing advice
This section contains advice and information on the options available for renting a home, whether it be from a private landlord, the council or a housing association. Further information is available for homeless people,...
Contact: Housing, .

Lifeline and Responder Service
Equipment is provided to support the individual in their home and tailored to meet their needs. It can be as simple as the basic community alarm service, able to respond in an emergency and provide regular contact by tel...
Contact: East Riding Of Yorkshire Council, , County Hall, Cross Street, Beverly, North Humberside, East Yorkshire, HU17 9BA.

Local community and care services
Services are delivered through day centres and outreach teams. Some services are also provided through multipurpose day centres and residential units where appropriate. All are staffed by people who are trained to delive...
Contact: Health and Social Care, , County Hall, Beverley, HU17 9BA.

Medibus service
East Riding of Yorkshire Council's Medibus service provides a flexible home to hospital transport service. The service is funded by a Central Government Rural Bus Challenge Grant. There are currently 7 Medibuses serving ...
Contact: Health and Social Care, , County Hall, Beverley, HU17 9BA.

Money advice
Help managing your finances, including how to open a bank account, and what to do should you find yourself in debt following the Christmas period.
Contact: Adult Services, , County Hall, Cross Street, Beverly, North Humberside, Yorkshire, HU17 9BA.

Rural community transport
A service designed to help people with unmet transport needs in rural areas. In particular residents or groups of people who have difficulties in accessing employment, services or facilities due to lack of transpor...
Contact: Health and Social Care, , County Hall, Beverley, HU17 9BA.

Staying Independent
Staying active, eating for good health, creating a safe home, looking after yourself, aids & adaptations, shared lives, going into hospital
Contact: Your Life Your Way, , County Hall, Cross Street, Beverly, North Humberside, Yorkshire, HU17 9BA.
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