Warwickshire County Council: Home services
1 - 10 of 10 Home services, provided by Warwickshire County Council.

Warwickshire County Council

Adult Social Care
Adult social care offers support to people in a wide range of circumstances. Everyone can get information and advice from us, and many people receive further help. Most of the support we give is aimed at supporting peopl...
Contact: Warwickshire County Council, , Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4RR.

Blue Badge Scheme
The Scheme allows the badge holder to take advantage of disabled motorists parking privileges whenever they are travelling, as a driver or passenger, anywhere within the European Union. The concessions are subject to cer...
Contact: Blue Badge Scheme, , Customer Service Centre, Warwickshire County Council, Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4TH.

Day centres and opportunities for older people
We currently fund seven providers to deliver day opportunity services for people aged 65 years and over within their local community. You will only be able to receive adult social care funding towards these services if y...
Contact: Warwickshire County Council, , 45 Upper Abbey Street, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV11 5DH.

Disabled Facility Grants
The Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG), which is means tested, helps to pay for essential home adaptations. You could have better freedom of movement into and around your home and access to essential facilities within the h...
Contact: Warwickshire County Council, .

Equipment to help at home
We help people to live in their own homes more easily by providing a range of equipment. The equipment can range from a simple walking stick to a more complex item like a mobile hoist.
Contact: Warwickshire County Council, , Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4RR.

Home Care
Who gets home care? Anyone can organise their own home care, and we can work with you to assess your needs. If you are eligible for funded social care, an appropriate package of care will be put in place. If we have ar...
Contact: Warwickshire County Council, , Myton Lane, Myton Park , Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 6QN.

Meals Service
Apetito produce and deliver ready-made meals direct to your home, helping you live as independently as possible. The meals are tasty and nutritious, with fresh ingredients and seasonal vegetables. How are the meals deli...
Contact: Warwickshire Adult Social Care, , Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4RR.

Occupational Therapy
Firstly, they or one of their Team, will talk to you to get full information as to your needs. This may result in: referring you to a more appropriate service; giving you advice over the telephone; arranging to vis...
Contact: Adult Social Care (Warwick), , Warwickshire County Council, Shire Hall, Warwick, Warwickshire, CV34 4RR.

Telecare - Assistive Technology
What is assistive technology? Assistive technology is a range of equipment that can help people with a physical, sensory, or mental health disability. It helps people to continue to live at home safely and as independen...
Contact: Warwickshire Adult Social Care, , Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4RR.

Wheelchair Accessible Transport
The Flexibus services network across Warwickshire was extensively revised during the summer of 2011. Flexibus services can be located by initially referring to the Bus route list located on the Bus timetables web page. T...
Contact: Flexibus, , Transport Operations, PO Box 43, Shire Hall, Warwick, CV34 4SX.
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