West Midlands: Transport > Transport Services services
1 - 18 of 18 Transport Services services in West Midlands.
Accessible Transport Group (ATG)

Ring and Ride West Midlands
Ring and Ride was established in 1983 and is a grant funded charity (no. 700370-1) providing a door-to-door service for anyone who has any form of disability or mobility problem. It operates as a separate charity within ...
Contact: Ring and Ride West Midlands, 80 Park Road, Birmingham, B6 5PL.
Care, Car & Company

Care, Car & Company
Self Employed care provider, with lots of experience, who will take the worry out of every day tasks.Give an arm to lean on, a shoulder to cry on and help with the things that many care providers don't think about or ref...
Contact: Care, Car & Company, 59 Firsby Road, Quinton, Birmingham, West Midlands, B32 2QT.
Community Transport

Community Transport CT Furniture Birmingham
We have 2 goods vans collecting furniture that is recycled and sold to the public at a fraction of the cost of high street shops. Furniture is displayed at our warehouse in Bordesley.We have 10 minibuses operat...
Contact: Community Transport , Parkview House , Woodvale Road, Brighouse, West Yorkshire, HX6 4AB.

Community Transport CT Passenger
Transport Services Community Group Travel - We provide fully accessible minibuses with or without a driver for voluntary and community groups, or for independent hire – all available at an affordable cost. We cove...
Contact: Community Transport - CT Passenger , 6 Oban Road, Longford, Coventry, West Midlands, CV6 6HH.

Community Transport Dudley
As part of an integrated fleet offering CT services across the Black Country, we operate 17 minibuses (9 of which are accessible) in Dudley. We provide group travel services for a range of voluntary and community ...
Contact: Community Transport Dudley, Halesowen Road, Dudley, West Midlands, DY2 9NW.
Coundon Care Centre Charity
Coundon Care Centre Charity
Here at Coundon Care at Allesley Park we pride ourselves on providing a quality day care provision in a loving and warm environment. As you walk in the door you will smell dinner cooking, hear the kettle boilin...
Contact: Coundon Care at Allesley Park, Allesley Park Community Centre, 199 Winsford Avenue, Allesley, Coventry, West Midlands, CV5 9NG.
Coventry City Council

Disabled Blue Badge Scheme
The Blue Badge scheme is a European scheme that helps people in the UK and Europe with severe mobility problems. It allows badge holders to park closer than other people to areas such as shops and car park exits/entranc...
Contact: Coventry City Council, Spire House New Union Street, Coventry, West Midlands, CV1 2PW.
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council

Blue badge Scheme
Processes blue badge applications.
Contact: Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council, The Council House Priory Road, Dudley, West Midlands, DY1 1HF.
Mealings have been established in Watford and the surrounding areas for over 25 years. We have a fleet of comfortable cars, 6-seaters and specialist wheelchair accessible vehicles to suit all needs. All wheelchair access...
Contact: Mealing Taxis, 298 Regents Park Road, Finchley, London, N3 2SZ.
QEF Mobility Services

QEF Mobility Services
Driving AssessmentsAs part of your specialist assessment, you will spend individual time with our qualified and experienced professionals, who will give you the opportunity to discuss your needs and aspirations. Yo...
Contact: Mobility Services, 1 Metcalfe Avenue, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 4AW.
Royal Voluntary Service

Getting Out and About
One in three older people find it difficult to get around, particularly if they don’t have a car or find public transport challenging. Royal Voluntary Service provides community transport to help older people get o...
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.

Hospital Support
We provide a wide range of services and support in hospitals which free up NHS staff time for patient care. Our thousands of hospital volunteers help improve older people’s experience in hospital, support their rec...
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.

Supporting People
Royal Voluntary Service volunteers provide practical help and companionship that make a big difference to the lives of thousands of older people each month, helping them to live more independent lives. As part of our Co...
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.
Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council

Blue Badge Parking Scheme
The Blue Badge Scheme provides parking concessions for people with severe walking difficulties who travel either as drivers or passengers. The Scheme also applies to registered blind people, and people with very severe u...
Contact: Sandwell Council ASSIST, PO Box 15825, Oldbury, B69 9EL.
Seniors Helping Seniors (UK) Limited

Home Help and Companionship Services for the Elderly, across Solihull & Warwick
Seniors Helping Seniors provide non-medical home care services for older people that need a little help. What sets us apart is that our services are provided by active local seniors who want to help. Like-minded peo...
Contact: Seniors Helping Seniors (Solihull & Warwick), 162 Kenilworth Road, Balsall Common, Coventry, West Midlands, CV7 7EW.
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council

Blue Badge Scheme
People with Blue Badges may park free of charge in pay and display car parks. They may also use bays marked for disabled people
Contact: Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council, Solihull Connect Contact Centre, SMBC Offices,, West Mall Chelmsley Wood,, Solihull, West Midlands, B37 5TN.
Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council

Blue Badge Scheme
The Blue Badge Scheme provides a national arrangement of parking concessions for people who have severe difficulties with walking, and also people who are registered blind. The scheme is governed by National Eligibility ...
Contact: Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council, First Stop Shop, Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall, West Midlands, WS1 1EU.
West Midlands Special Needs Transport

Ring and Ride
What is Ring and Ride?The freedom to get around independently is a fundamental part of everyday life that most people often take for granted. But for a significant section of the community this freedom is often denied be...
Contact: West Midlands Special Needs Transport, Head Office, 80 Park Road (via Upper Thomas Street, Aston, Birmingham, West Midlands, B6 5PL.