Surrey: Socialising > Companionship /befriending services
1 - 20 of 62 Companionship /befriending services in Surrey.
Age Concern Banstead

Befriending - Visiting & shopping
Help is available if you, or an elderly person you know, has difficulty getting out and about, due to illness or mobility problems. It may be help with shopping, or just popping in for a cup of tea and a chat on a r...
Contact: Banstead Day Centre, The Horseshoe, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2BQ.

Bereavement Cafe
Our Bereavement Cafe is open on the second Thursday of every month between 11.00am and 12.00noon. It is held at the Banstead Day Centre and offers a chance to meet with others who understand the experience of loss. ...
Contact: Banstead Day Centre, The Horseshoe, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2BQ.

Community Garden for the Elderly
Our garden has been open for 5 years and we welcome visitors on Tuesdays 10.30am - 12.30pm and Thursday afternoons between 2.30pm and 4.30pm. If you need help with transport please contact the office. We have been so pl...
Contact: Banstead Day Centre, The Horseshoe, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2BQ.

Information & Advice
We give free information & advice on a huge range of services. Contact us if there is something bothering you or you cannot find the information you need.Home Care providers - Delivery of frozen meals - Community ala...
Contact: Banstead Day Centre, The Horseshoe, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2BQ.

Lunch & Tea Clubs
Older people in the area regularly meet socially on alternative Wednesdays and occasional Thursdaysat Chavecroft Sheltered Housing in Tadworth.Most members are brought to the club by our Age Concern minibus alt...
Contact: Banstead Day Centre, The Horseshoe, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2BQ.

Men's Club
Our Men's Club meets on the first Friday of every month between 1.00pm and 3.00pm at The Day Centre in Banstead. This club is aimed specifically at our male clients who would like to get together with other men in a simi...
Contact: Banstead Day Centre, The Horseshoe, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2BQ.
Age Concern Epsom and Ewell

Handyman and IT
DIY Our DIY service is available to people over the age of 60, living in the borough of Epsom & Ewell who have no one else to help with small DIY or gardening tasks. The work is done by volunteers and it is importa...
Contact: Age Concern Epsom and Ewell, The Old Town Hall, The Parade, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 5AG.

Sunday Tea Every second Sunday of the month you are invited to our Sunday Tea for a chat and some light entertainment. Our Sunday Teas are held in the hall of: Stoneleigh Methodist Church 1 Stoneleigh Crescent Epsom&nb...
Contact: Age Concern Epsom and Ewell, The Old Town Hall, The Parade, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 5AG.

Support and Befriending
Home Visiting We can arrange for one of our experienced team to visit you at your home. Home Visitors can assess client’s needs in their own surroundings and are able to refer onto Social Services or other organi...
Contact: Age Concern Epsom and Ewell, The Old Town Hall, The Parade, Epsom, Surrey, KT18 5AG.
Age Concern Merstham, Redhill & Reigate

Befriending Service
Befriending ServiceOur Befriending service is for older people who are lonely and socially isolated.A Volunteer Befriender will visit to provide companionship on a regular basis. The primary role of a Befriender is ...
Contact: Age Concern Merstham, Redhill & Reigate, The Mertstham Centre, Weldon Way, Merstham, Surrey, RH1 3QB.

Men's Shed
Men's ShedThe 'Men’s Shed' is a larger version of the typical man’s shed in the garden – a place where he feels at home and pursues practical interests.The Merstham Men’s Shed offers this to a gro...
Contact: Age Concern Merstham, Redhill & Reigate, The Mertstham Centre, Weldon Way, Merstham, Surrey, RH1 3QB.
Age Concern Mole Valley

Befriending & Visiting
Befriending & Visiting; Challenging Loneliness. Our Befriending service is for older people who are lonely and socially isolated. A Volunteer Befriender will visit to provide companionship on a regular basis. Th...
Contact: Age Concern Mole Valley, The Point, Mayflower, Lyons Court, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1AB.

Events and activities in Mole Valley
Contact: Age Concern Mole Valley, The Point, Mayflower, Lyons Court, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1AB.
Age Concern Woking
Our Services
As people get older and develop health and mobility issues it becomes difficult to have a social life outside of the home. Coupled with the fact that relatives and friends may move away, this can leave a person feeling v...
Contact: Woking Age Concern, 1st Floor, Moorcroft Centre, Old School Place, Westfield, Woking, Surrey, GU22 9LY.
Age UK

Call in Time- Telephone Friendship Service
Call in Time aims to reduce loneliness and social isolation in older people by providing them with regular telephone chats.
Contact: Call in Time Telephone Friendship Service, Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9NA.
Age UK Surrey

Activities and events
We provide a wide range of activities to help older people remain independent, connected with the community, healthy and active.
Contact: Age UK Surrey, Rex House, William Road, Guildford, GU1 4QZ.

Befriending Service
Befriending is a service where a volunteer visits or telephones an older person to chat, listen and become a companion. Volunteers might visit an older person at home to have a chat, share a game or go for a wa...
Contact: Age UK Surrey, Rex House, William Road, Guildford, GU1 4QZ.

Check in and Chat Calls
Staying connected and having someone to talk to is important all of the time but when we cannot physically meet staying in touch really matters, especially for older people that live alone.
Contact: Age UK Surrey, Rex House, William Road, Guildford, GU1 4QZ.

Men in Sheds
The Men in Sheds is a traditional leisure activity, located in Ash that allows men to socialise, make new friends and learn new skills. The main Shed activity is woodworking, which is carried out in a well-equipped work...
Contact: Age UK Surrey, Rex House, William Road, Guildford, GU1 4QZ.

Support for Veterans
Free support services available to veterans: Information and Advice: On a range of issues, including money, housing and care. Expert advisors can assist over the telephone with benefit entitlement claims and also s...
Contact: Age UK Surrey, Rex House, William Road, Guildford, GU1 4QZ.