Equity Release and income-related benefits (Oct 2006)

Considers issues to be taken into account by anyone considering releasing equity from their home.


NHS continuing healthcare and NHS funded nursing care (Factsheet 20)

This factsheet explains what NHS continuing healthcare (NHS CHC) is, the process for deciding whether you are eligible to receive it and what to do if you are unhappy with the decision reached. It also explains NHS-funded nursing care – the NHS’s financia


Looking for Rented Housing

Information for those considering moving into rented accommodation. Discusses subjects such as applying for council and housing association housing, private renting, sheltered housing, extra care sheltered housing, and housing for disabled people.


Noise and Neighbour Nuisance – What You Can Do

This factsheet gives information on how to resolve disputes with neighbours and what to do in case of noise nuisance or harassment.


Health Services: Understanding your rights to healthcare

This guide aims to help you get the help you need if you feel ill. It tells you what NHS services are available and how to find them, as well as providing practical advice on the best ways to get the treatment you need.


Hospital Discharge (Factsheet 37)

This factsheet explains what you should expect from staff planning for your discharge from hospital following NHS treatment in England. Your hospital stay should be no longer than medically necessary and you should be able to access ongoing care and suppo


Getting legal and financial advice (Factsheet 43)

This factsheet helps you to get the legal help you need, including legal information and advice on civil matters (where you have a dispute with another individual or organisation). It does not cover criminal matters. It covers free advice from local an


Planning for ayour funeral (Factsheet 27)

This factsheet highlights things to consider if you want to plan ahead and make financial and other arrangements for your funeral. It looks at options when deciding what type of funeral you want, ways to pay for a funeral, and information about organ dona


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