Newcastle & Gateshead Housing Advice Exemplar Project 2011-11

This report brings together the main findings and recommendations from work undertaken for the First Stop Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Gateshead Exemplar Project during 2010. The work included sharing the excellent information and training resources available


e-marketplaces for care and care information

This paper aims to explore operating models of an online marketplace of housing and care and current websites with care information, review their service, make comparisons with EAC’s HousingCare site, where appropriate, and make recommendations on further


EAC FirstStop Home from Hospital Tool

An online resource designed to inform you of the support and assistance that may be available to you following a stay in hospital.


FirstStop: Advice for Older People

Promotional flyer for FirstStop Advice featuring main areas of advice offered – Care, Housing, Finance, Rights – and using text “Are you looking for advice or information about careor housingoptions? Advice about paying for care? Or help getting the suppo


FirstStop: Advice for older people

A 1/4 A4, 2 sided, promotional flyer about FirstStop Advice. Flags 3 main advice areas – housing, care and finance: – Do you need advice or information about housing or care options? – Advice about paying for care? – Information about services to help


Income in retirement – a beginners guide: A self training module

This self training module is for people who offer general information and advice to older people, eg. community advice agency volunteers and staff. It is also for older people and those approaching retirement. It will help you to develop your knowledge


Evidencing the case for FirstStop Advice for Older People

The Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research (CCHPR) is evaluating the FirstStop service. This paper reflects on the achievements of the service between 1st April 2011 and end of March 2012.


Use of Housing Equity for Beginners: A self training module

This self training module is for people who want to understand the basic ideas behind use of housing equity in later life and the main types of equity release schemes. It is aimed at: – older people & their families – volunteers who work with older


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