Enabling Older People to Live Safely & Well at Home: A self training module for health, care & support staff

This self training module is for people who visit older people at home eg. health care staff, care workers, hospital visitors and voluntary sector to give general advice on a range of topics. It will help you to develop your knowledge and skills by inc


Living Safely & Well at Home

This updated booklet, first produced as part of a “Live safely and well at home” project funded by Nationwide, is a practical guide to improving your home to make it safer and healthier. As we get older the condition of our home becomes increasingly im


FirstStop Housing Options Report – intro pages

An overview of housing options, intended to be combined with a bespoke accommodation listing to produce a FirstStop client ‘Housing Options Report’. Contents are: 1.Introduction 2.To move or not to move 3.Helping you to stay put 4.Moving on 5.She


EAC FirstStop bespoke client ‘housing options’ sample report

A general introduction to types of specialist housing and housing with care for older people, plus information about selected housing schemes for a FirstStop client living near Leeds, west Yorkshire.


EAC FirstStop bespoke client ‘care options’ report sample

A general introduction to care homes, how to locate a suitable one and how to afford the fees, plus information about selected care homes for a FirstStop client living in St Neots, Cambridgeshire.


Informing the business case for a FreeSpace model

FreeSpace aims to create a revenue stream by renovating and renting out an older person’s home. The Council pays for the renovations and manages the letting – usually renting it to family in the borough who are in temporary accommodation. The income gener


Helping older people choose the right home for them: An introduction to the costs and benefits of providing advice and support

Outlines five models of support and advice offered to older people which help them consider where they want to live and implement their choices. Models are: 1. Crossroads Care’s Homeshare service 2. Redbridge Council’s ‘Free Space’ 3. FirstStop’s l


Property fraud information from Land Registry

An introduction to how the Land Registry is trying to help those most at risk, including empty properties of owners living in temporary accommodation such as hospital or short stay residential care.


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