Housing an Ageing Population (England)

With an ageing population, the question of how to address the UK’s housing crisis for older people is an acute one. Build rates are generally substantially lower than forecast need and the issue is exacerbated further for older people; who must also consi


Generation Stuck: Exploring the Reality of Downsizing in Later Life

This report by ILC-UK, commissioned by McCarthy and Stone, explores older peoples’ attitudes towards moving, the pros and cons of downsizing and provides evidence to help inform the public debate about the role of housing stock held by older people. While


Housing Options: Different types of housing to suit your needs

Many of us find that as we get older we start to think more about where we live. Do you want to stay where you are, but could do with some support to make life easier? Would repairs or adaptations make it more comfortable? Perhaps you’re thinking about mo


A better fit? Creating housing choices for an ageing population

England’s population is ageing, and fast. By 2030 one in three people are projected to be aged 55 and over. Older people will be a diverse group, ranging from economically powerful ‘baby boomers’ to over-85s with high care and support needs. How will the


Market Assessment of Housing Options for Older People

Shelter and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation asked us to carry out a market assessment of older people’s housing in England: both specialist retirement developments and mainstream housing suitable for people aged 55 and above. In response, this study add


Viewpoint 17: Downsizing

Views on how to enable older people and those with long term conditions to downsize to more appropriate general accommodation – considering the barriers to moving, the challenges to be addressed, and identifying some solutions.


Viewpoint 19: Downsizing for older people into Specialist Accommodation

This Housing LIN Viewpoint no19 makes the case for encouraging more providers to create attractive specialist schemes, and for encouraging more people to move into them, to “stay younger longer”. It considers the considerable challenges and the opportunit


Older People’s Housing and Under-Occupancy

In the UK, around 520,000 households live in overcrowded conditions and 90,000 live in temporary accommodation. As house prices boom, many find themselves unable to afford family-sized homes, and the meagre supply of new housing lags behind household grow


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