New EAC FirstStop Evaluation – Making the case for impartial information & advice

The Care Act 2014 and the associated Guidance places a duty on local authorities to ensure that integrated information and advice services spanning social care, housing and related finance are available to all. In addition there is growing pressure on the NHS and Social Care to move towards prevention and away from crisis interventions, delivering […]


Legal & General increases support for EAC Housing Awards

Legal & General has offered to fund exploratory work to extend the scope of EAC’s National Housing for Older People Awards and the consultation with residents that underpins them. The aim is to capture the views also of residents’ families and scheme staff in order to gain a broader understanding of what makes for successful […]


New EAC/FirstStop blog provides forum for debate around I&A

EAC’s new blog is aimed at people working in FirstStop’s field of information & advice for older people and their families around housing, care and related finance – as well as relevant policy makers, commissioners, academics and potential funders/investors. For the last two decades or more there has been a broader move to position welfare […]


HOOP tool makeover unveiled

This week sees the launch of an upgrade to EAC’s popular online HOOP tool. Drawing on extensive user testing and discussion, as well as input from our FirstStop partner organisations, the HOOP app has been tweaked in a number of small but important ways to provide: Stronger visual prompts to guide users Step by step […]


Leading agencies make the case for independent information & advice

The delivery of independent information and advice for older people which brings together housing and care options and related financial advice is the focus of Making the Case, a new report published this week by the leading organisations concerned with the provision of such services. The report sets out how integrated housing and care information […]


South Coast Almshouse Trust signs up to HousingCare service

To coincide with the launch of its new website (, Thorngate Almshouse Trust has become for first almshouse charity to subscribe to EAC’s HousingCare Premium Service. Thorngate owns and manages three sheltered housing schemes and one care home in Gosport, Hampshire. Founded in 1868 by two Gosport families; the Thorngates and the Churchers, the Trust […]


Wellbeing survey

EAC and FirstStop are continuously trying to improve our services so that we are better positioned to provide older people and their families with the advice and information they need to make informed choices when it comes to their housing and care options In recent months and years it has been one of the key […]


Residents celebrate awards for best housing for later life

The best retirement and extra care housing – decided by the votes of older people themselves – won national recognition at an awards ceremony in Doncaster on 25th November. Nearly 300 residents and staff of the winning schemes were welcomed by the Civic Mayor of Doncaster, Councillor Pat Haith. Before lunch entertainment was provided by […]


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