Poole Borough Council: Home services
1 - 8 of 8 Home services, provided by Poole Borough Council.

Poole Borough Council

Adult Social Care
Provides care and support for older people living in Poole. Services provided can include: • healthcare • equipment • help in your home or in a ca...
Contact: Poole Borough Council, , Civic Centre Annexe Park Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 2RT.

Blue Badge Scheme
The Blue Badge Scheme is the new name for the Disabled Parking Scheme and provides a national arrangement of parking concessions for people who have a permanent and substantial disability which means they canno...
Contact: Blue Badge Team, , Civic Centre Annexe, Park Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 2RT.

Compass aims to promote healthy living and well-being for isolated older people. It is a partnership between the Borough of Poole and Faithworks Wessex.
Contact: COMPASS, , 35 Stanfield Road, Poole, Dorset, BH12 4HB.

Health Information Centre
The service aims: To provide full and relevant information for patients, relatives and carers, within a confidential and supportive environment. To empower patients, relatives and carers, enabling them to ...
Contact: Health Information Centre, , Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Longfleet Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 2JB.

Home Care
The Borough of Poole maintains a registered Generic Domiciliary Care Service to provide personal care to those who have been assessed as requiring this service.
Contact: Adult Social Care, , Municipal Buildings Civic Centre, Poole, Dorset, BH15 2RU.

Poole Lifeline is an emergency response service that provides a compact emergency alarm system for all people at risk living in their own home. It is backed up by a local control centre equipped with call-handling c...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , Municipal Buildings Civic Centre, Poole, Dorset, BH15 2RU.

Poole Adult Learning
Poole Adult Learning offer a wide range of vocational and general interest courses as well as programmes of learning which reflect local demand from individuals, communities and business in an environment that inspi...
Contact: Poole Adult Learning, , Oakdale Centre, Wimborne Road, Oakdale, Poole, Dorset, BH15 3DL.

Respite Care For Adults
Social Services may be able to help you have a break from caring. Many carers find that having a short break helps ease some of the stresses of the carers experience. A break can enable you to carry on looking after the ...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , Civic Centre Annexe Park Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 2RT.
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