Bedford Borough Council: Home services
1 - 9 of 9 Home services, provided by Bedford Borough Council.

Bedford Borough Council

Adult Social Care
We aim to support people to live independently in your own home or where this is not possible, to provide alternative care arrangements that allow you to be as independent as possible.Services provided can include:•...
Contact: Bedford Borough Council, , Borough Hall Cauldwell Street, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK42 9AP.

Carers assessment
You can have a carers assessment if you are looking after someone without being paid and the following applies: the person lives in Bedford Boroughthe person is over 18you are looking after them because they need help w...
Contact: Social care and health, .

Community Alarm Services
The community alarm service provides peace of mind for people who feel at risk in their own homes. It is a 24 hour 365 day monitoring service giving you the freedom to live your life independently knowing that you can ob...
Contact: Bedford Borough Council, , Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP.

Community transport
In addition to services operated by commercial bus companies, there are a number of services run by local volunteer groups. These organisations, are known as community transport groups. Bedford Door to Door Door ...
Contact: Bedford Borough Council, , 51 Hill Rise, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK42 7DN.

Disabled Facilities Grants
Disabled Facilities Grants may be available to disabled people who need essential adaptation work carried out to give them greater freedom of movement in and around their home. The types of work that are covered inc...
Contact: Bedford Borough Council, , The Customer Service Centre (CSC), 2 Horne Lane, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK40 1RA.

Looking after yourself
Information on meals, keeping clean, getting dressed and using the toilet. You do not need to have an assessment by Adult Social Care for these services. Meals Oak House Frozen Meals provides a wide range of frozen rea...
Contact: Bedford Borough Council, , Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP.

Rehabilitation aims to: rebuild your skills and confidence in doing everyday activities teach you new skills to help you manage at home keep you out of hospital, or permanent residential care, unless this really is ...
Contact: Bedford Borough Council, , Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP.

Report abuse (safeguarding vulnerable adults)
Advice and supportIf you are a disabled or older person who is being harassed, abused or mistreated, or you know of a person in this situation please do not ignore it or suffer in silence. You can contact us through any ...
Contact: Bedford Borough Council, , Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford, MK42 9AP.

Social housing and the housing register
We allocate social housing to people with the most urgent housing need. For example, priority is given to: those faced with an emergency people with a severe disability or medical need those who are homeless Read how...
Contact: Housing, .
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