Bournemouth Christchurch & Poole Council: Home services
1 - 12 of 12 Home services, provided by Bournemouth Christchurch & Poole Council.

Bournemouth Christchurch & Poole Council

Adult Social Care
Perhaps you’re looking for help at home to stay safe and well. There are a variety of solutions available: equipment, adapting your home, doing things differently or increasing your confidence and skills. We can al...
Contact: Bournemouth Borough Council, , Town Hall, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 6EB.

Blue Badges
Blue Badges help you to park close to where you are going if you are blind, cannot walk far or are unable to use parking meters. You can use your Blue Badge if you are a driver or a passenger: • for street park...
Contact: Bournemouth Borough Council, , Town Hall, Bourne Avenue, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 6DY.

Bournemouth Careline’s service is designed to increase the independence and safety of users within their home environment and also it provides reassurance to relatives/carers that loved ones are safe and can c...
Contact: Bournemouth Careline, , Housing Landlord Services, Kinson Hub Office, Wimborne Road, Bournemouth, BH11 9AW.

Day opportunities
Day opportunities can help you learn new skills and make new friends, in a fun, welcoming, stimulating and safe environment. There’s a wide range of activities tailored to individual needs and providing person-cen...
Contact: Adult social care, .

Equipment to help at home
You may have trouble getting around your house because of physical disabilities caused by a long-term illness or old age. With the right support and equipment, you can become more active and independent at home. ...
Contact: Adult Social Care - Care Direct, , Town Hall Annexe St. Stephens Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 6EA.

Grants For Repairs And Maintenance
The Council currently offers a number of Home Improvement Grants, in accordance with its Private Sector Housing Renewal Strategy (see downloadable pdf) and Grants Policy Go to the Council's webs...
Contact: Bournemouth Borough Council, , Customer Service Centre, St Stephens Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 6DY.

Hospital Stays
They can support you to live as independently as you can. This can be done by working with you and people involved in your care to: plan for you to leave hospital safely help you get back to independence quickl...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , Town Hall Annexe, St. Stephens Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 6EA.

Occupational Therapy
The Occupational Therapy service gives advice: on alternative ways of managing tasks to carers on moving and handling techniques, e.g. to help someone get in or out of bed, then provide written instructions about eq...
Contact: Care Direct - Adult Social Care, , Bournemouth, Dorset.

Poole Community Transport Dial-a-Bus service offers low floor and wheelchair accessible transport into Poole town centre. On Monday, the service runs to Asda, Holes Bay and the Dolphin Shopping Centre. On Tuesday to Fr...
Contact: Poole Dial a Bus, , BCP Council Admin Offices, Hatchpond Road, Poole, Dorset, BH17 7LQ.

Take a break from caring
Taking a break from your caring responsibilities is vital. Caring can be emotionally and physically demanding, so it’s important not to overlook your own needs. We can help you have some much-deserved ‘time ...
Contact: Adult Social Care, , Town Hall Annexe St. Stephens Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH2 6EA.

Volunteer community cars
Provides door to door transport, using voluntary drivers, for GP appointments, essential journeys and social activities. Bournemouth community cars Community cars can help anyone in the area who cannot use public trans...
Contact: Poole Voluntary Driver Service, , BCP Council Admin Offices, Hatchpond Road, Poole, Dorset, BH17 7LQ.
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