Wiltshire: Care services
101 - 116 of 116 Care services in Wiltshire.
Staff 2000 Domiciliary Care Service

Staff 2000 Domiciliary Care Service
Personal Care; washing, bathing, showering, dressing, denture care, hair care etc Shopping; Going shopping, taking shopping or assisting with shopping on line, supporting with medication, Domestic Tasks; Cleaning, Dustin...
Contact: Domiciliary Home Care, 7 Trinity, 166 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH1 1NU.
Star Infinity Care
Absolute Care Services LTD
Absolute Care Services: Your Trusted Partner in Home Care For over twenty years, Absolute Care Services has been at the forefront of delivering high-quality, personalised home care services. As a family-run busine...
Contact: Absolute Care Service LTD, 4 Latimer Road , Teddington , Middlesex, TW11 8QA.
Stroke Association

Stroke support in your area
Our services are commissioned locally, and provide a variety of support options Stroke support groups offer peer support to stroke survivors, carers, family and friends. Search to see what’s available in your loca...
Contact: Stroke Association, Stroke House, 240 City Road, London, EC1V 2PR.
Sunshine Care

Sunshine Care
We are devoted to providing the highest quality care to you, while enabling you to remain in your own home, allowing you to be close to family, friends and surroundings which are familiar to you. When everyday activitie...
Contact: Sunshine Care, Building 5, Brest road, Derriford Business Park, Derriford, Plymouth, Devon, PL6 5QZ.
Swindon Borough Council

Adult Social Care
We will help you get the information you need to make informed decisions and access appropriate services. Our Care Line service can provide help with: Equipment and adaptations for daily activities Help at hom...
Contact: Swindon Borough Council.

Paying for care services at home
The service is a home care (domiciliary care) service, provided by an agency which is registered to provide personal care to its clients. Where Swindon Borough Council has agreed to arrange care and support on your beha...
Contact: Swindon Borough Council, DMJ Tower, 3rd Floor , Swindon, Wiltshire, SN1 1NJ.

Sylvian Care Southampton
Home Care Tailored To Individual Needs At Sylvian Care, we take pride in being a distinguished home care company that provides exceptional domiciliary care services tailored to each individual's unique needs, pr...
Contact: Sylvian Care Southampton, Premier Way, Basepoint, 67 Abby Park Industrial Estate, Romsey, Hampshire, SO51 9AQ.
Team24 Private Nursing

Team 24 Private Nursing
The service provides a stable platform of care to those most at risk.
Contact: Team 24 Private Nursing, Second Floor, Pathtrace House, 91-93 High Street, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 2NL.
The Good Care Group

24 Hour Live-in Home Care Service
Our expertly trained professional carers provide a range of tailored live in care services across England and Scotland, everything from companionship, personal elderly care, lifestyle support, domestic duties and social ...
Contact: The Good Care Group, 15th Floor, Tower Building, York Road, London, SE1 7NQ.
The Live In Care Company
The Live In Care Company
The Live In Care Company is dedicated to supporting individuals and couples needing care to remain in the comfort of their own home and achieving the very best care outcomes. We do this firstly by taking the time to care...
Contact: The Live In Care Company, Office 20, CP House, Otterspool Way, Watford, , Hertfordshire, WD25 8HR.
The Respite Association

The Respite Association
The Respite Association was born on May 16th 2001. A group of people, all with first hand experience of the stress put on carers, had come to realise that there was very little support available for those caring for love...
Contact: The Respite Association, 4 Lowgate Lane, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE20 3DG.
Vision Visit

We provide a full eye testing service in your own home. This includes- -Checking the health of the eyes and referring to a specialist if required -Issuing an up-to-date prescription for new glasses -If new glasses are r...
Contact: VisionVisit, 51 Windsor Road, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN3 1JU.
Wiltshire Council

Adult Social Care
We aim to deliver services to people who need a rapid response to a crisis, need help to maintain their independence where they have complex needs and to promote preventative services which help people remain well and in...
Contact: Wiltshire County Council.

Home from Hospital
Home from Hospital is a service that helps people, who are medically fit for discharge from hospital, to continue their recovery in a safe environment and regain the daily living skills and confidence they need to return...
Contact: Shared Lives, Unit C4, Beacon Business Park, Devizes, SN10 2EY.

Shared Lives and Shared Days
Overview What is Shared Lives Shared Lives is a bit like fostering, but with the big difference that it is for people over 16 who want to live as independently as possible. Shared Lives carers provide people with the p...
Contact: Adult Care.
Work4U Solutions
Domiciliary / Home Care
W4U Solutions provides domiciliary and homecare services to people in their homes, our service support groups are Physical disability, Dementia, sensory impairment, Mental health and older people. We car...
Contact: Work4U SOLUTIONS / Domiciliary and Home care , Crown Street, Ivy Mill Business Centre, Manchester, Greater Manchester , M35 9BG.