Shared Lives and Shared Days
What does it do?
What is Shared Lives
Shared Lives is a bit like fostering, but with the big difference that it is for people over 16 who want to live as independently as possible. Shared Lives carers provide people with the practical and emotional support they need to live life the way they want to. It is a completely flexible support service that can work for people from all walks of life, with all levels of need.
Who needs a Shared Lives Carer
Our customers are adults with learning difficulties, mental or physical health needs, or are elderly and need support and care to live as independently as possible in the community. They have a wide range of abilities and support needs. Some are fairly independent and only need guidance, reminders or explanation, others need assistance with most day-to-day needs.
Customers and carers are matched in terms of interests and location so that living together is an enjoyable, fulfilling, and valuable experience for all.