Merseyside: Socialising > Day centres services
1 - 5 of 5 Day centres services in Merseyside.
Age Uk Wirral

Day Care
The Devonshire Resource Centre provides 30 places for day care for people who have been diagnosed as having Dementia. This is available Monday to Friday 9am to 3.30pm and enables their carers to have a break. ...
Contact: Age UK Wirral, Devonshire Resource Centre, 141 Park Road North, Birkenhead, Wirral, Merseyside, CH41 0DD.

Lunch Corners
Good food and good company is what you will find across our network of weekly lunch clubs. You will have the opportunity to join other people in your area for an enjoyable meal in lovely, friendly surroundings, with a v...
Contact: Age UK Wirral, 141 Park Road North, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 0DD.
Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council
Day centres
Day centres Located in Huyton, Kirkby, Halewood and Stockbridge Village, day centres can help: Older people Adults with learning or physical disabilities Adults with mental health issues Adults with autism The Know...
Contact: Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Customer Contact Centre, Municipal Buildings, Cherryfield Drive, Kirkby, L32 1TX.
Liverpool City Council
Day support care services
Person-centred planningEvery person who is eligible for a day support service is offered the chance o produce a person-centred plan. This plan can be facilitated by a trained member of staff, a family member or the perso...
Contact: Careline adults and older people.
St Helens Council
Kershaw Day Support Centre (Dementia service)
The award-winning Kershaw Day Support Centre is a safe, stimulating environment that cares for and supports people with cognitive impairment, the majority of whom have a dementia-type illness. The service we provide ena...
Contact: Adult Social Care & Health, WA10 1HF.