Newark and Sherwood: Socialising > Companionship /befriending services
1 - 20 of 37 Companionship /befriending services in Newark and Sherwood.
Age UK

Call in Time- Telephone Friendship Service
Call in Time aims to reduce loneliness and social isolation in older people by providing them with regular telephone chats.
Contact: Call in Time Telephone Friendship Service, Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London, WC1H 9NA.
Age UK Nottingham and Nottinghamshire

Activities and events
Find out here about activities and events taking place at Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire. Computer classes - Best Foot Forward walks - Older Lesbian Network - Silver Pride
Contact: Age UK Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, Bradbury House, 12 Shakespeare Street, Nottingham, NG1 4FQ.

Help and Support
Age UK Notts' Health & Wellbeing service* can support you to find solutions that will help you to remain independent and get the most out of later life. Whether it’s housing, health, finance, loneliness or car...
Contact: Age UK Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, Bradbury House, 12 Shakespeare Street, Nottingham, NG1 4FQ.

Men in Sheds
Men in Sheds supports older men who want to get together, share and learn new skills all in the welcoming setting of a workshop. It also supports older men who are isolated or disengaged from their community or are exper...
Contact: Age UK Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, 12 Shakespeare Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 4FQ.

Social activities
Are you looking for things to do in your local area? If you are looking for local groups and activities to get involved in, our team can help you find an activity suitable for you that you can attend. Age UK Notts ...
Contact: Age UK Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, Bradbury House, 12 Shakespeare Street, Nottingham, NG1 4FQ.

Veterans at Home
Our Veterans at Home Service, in partnership with The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust and The Royal British Legion, are supplying tailored activity packs to lonely and isolated Veterans to assist with their cognitive st...
Contact: Age UK Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, Bradbury House, 12 Shakespeare Street, Nottingham, NG1 4FQ.

Visiting and befriending
We support lonely and isolated older people, living in the County, with a volunteer visitor or telephone befriender to chat with regularly. Our friendly trained volunteers provide regular companionship, provide an oppor...
Contact: Age UK Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, Bradbury House, 12 Shakespeare Street, Nottingham, NG1 4FQ.
British Red Cross Society

Get financial help & advice
If you're struggling with debt or other money problems and need to get through a period of financial difficulty, we can help you find free financial advice.
Contact: British Red Cross Society, 44 Moorfields, London, EC2Y 9AL.

Get help with loneliness
If you are feeling lonely, please know that you are not alone. The British Red Cross is here to help you. One in five people in the UK say they experience feelings of loneliness, and during the coronavirus pandemic ...
Contact: British Red Cross Society, 44 Moorfields, London, EC2Y 9AL.

Get support at home
If you are feeling lonely, please know that you are not alone. The British Red Cross is here to help you. One in five people in the UK say they experience feelings of loneliness, and during the coronavirus pandemic ...
Contact: British Red Cross Society, 44 Moorfields, London, EC2Y 9AL.
Carewatch Care Services

Our mission at Carewatch is to provide high quality care outcomes for vulnerable people who want to live at home, independently. We provide quality, personalised home care services designed to enable our customers to re...
Contact: Carewatch, CSN Care Group Ltd t/a Carewatch, Unit 4, Rankin House, Murdoch Court, Roebuck Way, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK5 8GB.
Disability Nottinghamshire

"Our Voice" Community Choir
Following the success of its first performance “Our Voice” Community Choir is looking for new members. If you are interested in joining or would like more information please contact Claire &n...
Contact: Disability Nottinghamshire, Unit 15 Botany Park, Botany Avenue, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, NG18 5NF.

Elder helps people stay safe and comfortable at home by assisting with daily activities of living via personal care, dementia care and part-time, full-time or live-in care.
Contact: Elder, 1st floor, 230 City Road, London, London, Greater London, EC1V 2TT.
Home Instead Senior Care
Home Instead - Find care near you
We understand that home is where you feel the happiest. If you want to stay living comfortably at home, you can live well, your way with Home Instead. Home Instead has been at the forefront of specialised home care for ...
Contact: Home Instead Lewes District and Uckfield, , Laughton , Lewes, East Sussex, BN8 5SD.
Homeshare UK
Homeshare UK
Homeshare enables two people to share a home for mutual benefit. Typically, an older person living in their own home with a room to spare will be carefully matched with a younger person who will provide an agreed amount ...
Contact: Homeshare UK, Eleanor Rathbone House, Connect Business Village, 24 Derby Road, Liverpool, L5 9PR.
Independent Age

Advice line
Our Helpline and Advice teams are friendly and helpful and our particular areas of knowledge include: care and support, money and benefits, health and mobility for people that are 65 + , their families and carers. ...
Contact: Independent Age, 18 Avonmore Road, London, W14 8RR.
Kifash Care

Home Care and support
We provide bespoke care and support to individuals in their own home. This includes; personal care, medication support, food preparation, respite, hospital discharges, palliative care, live in care, reablement, companion...
Contact: Kifash Care, Freehold Street, Nene enterprise Center , Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN2 6EF.

MHA Communities - East Nottinghamshire
At MHA Communities East Nottinghamshire, we want to enable older people to maintain their independence and live more fulfilled lives. Through befriending, lunch clubs, assisted shopping, activity and friendship sessions...
Contact: MHA - East Nottinghamshire, Unit 10, Southwell Business Centre, , Crew Lane, , Southwell , Nottinghamshire, NG25 0TX.
Nottinghamshire Deaf Society (NDS)

Hard of Hearing Social Group
Meets on the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month from 10am-2pm at Nottinghamshire Deaf Society, 22 Forest Road West, Nottingham, NG7 4EQ. Outings, speakers, lunches, games, and more arranged regulary as well as having s...
Contact: Acquired Deafness Project, 22 Forest Road West, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 4EQ.

Oddfellows, making friends, helping people
Through life's ups and downs, we're there for our members. As a friendly society and mutual – it's what we do. From fun social get-togethers and trusted support and advice when members might need it, to exclusive o...
Contact: Oddfellows.