Viewpoint 19: Downsizing for older people into Specialist Accommodation
This Housing LIN Viewpoint no19 makes the case for encouraging more providers to create attractive specialist schemes, and for encouraging more people to move into them, to “stay younger longer”. It considers the considerable challenges and the opportunit
Shared Equity: Using the Private Fianance Initiative to boost extra care housing
This case study explores one approach to procuring specialist forms of housing for older people and vulnerable adults, Extra Care Housing (ECH), through the Private Finance Initiative (PFI). Typically this approach enables a local authority to achieve a n
Delivering Housing for an Ageing Population: informing housing strategies and housing policies
This guide is intended for housing commissioners and providers, and examines what type of housing is needed for an ageing population
Older People’s Housing Strategies: Key Policy Drivers
This examines the relationship between the housing agenda and the agenda for older age. It explores the ways in which any gaps at national level are affecting and influencing regional strategies and local policies and implementation. It is intended for us
The Big Picture – older people
Research & evaluation drawn together from the Housing Corporations Innovation & Good Practice projects about older people. This was written to inform the Corporations Housing for Older People policy, and gives pointers for future development of housing fo