Housing for Older People in Wales: An Evidence Review

Wales has an increasing and increasingly diverse ageing population. This presents a challenge for Welsh housing. The majority of people over 65 in Wales are home owners – the likelihood of moving in later life decreases as we age, and is primarily i


Generation Stuck: Exploring the Reality of Downsizing in Later Life

This report by ILC-UK, commissioned by McCarthy and Stone, explores older peoples’ attitudes towards moving, the pros and cons of downsizing and provides evidence to help inform the public debate about the role of housing stock held by older people. While


Homes and Ageing in England

There is a strong case to be made for prevention through core housing improvements. This briefing note adds to our wider understanding of the close relationship between poor housing for older people and demands on NHS care. It builds on the previous publi


FirstStop Advice for Older People: An independent evaluation of local services

This report presents the results of an independent evaluation of local housing and care options advice services for older people which are working in partnership with EAC FirstStop and Care & Repair England, with financial support from the Department for C


Later Life Research & Enterprise: Unlocking opportunities in the later life market

Later Life Research and Enterprise (LLR) is a unique collective of five specialised organisations focused on older householders as consumers. Our expertise embraces housing, health and wellbeing, home and leisure and social and economic activity, demograp


Joint strategic needs assessment: vulnerable adults, housing and support – A collection of case studies

This publication by the Local Government Improvement and Development’s Healthy Communities Programme provides examples of how local councils and their health partners are addressing some of the outstanding and enduring challenges in undertaking the JSNA p


Viewpoint 17: Downsizing

Views on how to enable older people and those with long term conditions to downsize to more appropriate general accommodation – considering the barriers to moving, the challenges to be addressed, and identifying some solutions.


The Cohousing Approach to ‘Lifetime Neighbourhoods’

This Housing LIN Factsheet No.29 considers how local authorities can work with public and private sector partners to develop a cohousing approach towards the outcomes sought from the government’s national strategy on housing for an ageing society. Read


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