Are housing associations ready for an ageing society?

This report was commissioned by Genesis Housing Association, whose CE Neil Hadden says: “Clearly, an ageing population is, for our sector, a business critical issue. Increasing supply is an imperative for us, which is why it is so welcome that this rep


Housing our Ageing Population: Plan for Implementation (HAPPI 2)

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Housing and Care for Older People, chaired by Lord Best, has highlighted the benefits of improved housing options for older people. Their 2012 inquiry report, written by Jeremy Porteus – Secretary to the APPG In


Housing our Ageing Population: Positive Ideas (HAPPI 3) – Making retirement living a positive choice

This volume in the influential HAPPI series for the APPG on Housing and Care for Older People calls on policymakers, house-builders and other stakeholders to address the concerns and issues that deter some people from moving to specialist housing. It says


Making the Case: FirstStop Advice Summary Brochure

This brochure summarises the results of an independent evaluation of local housing and care options advice services for older people which are working in partnership with EAC FirstStop and Care & Repair England, with financial support from the Department f


Housing, Health and Care

This new policy and practice report from the Chartered Institute of Housing, and supported by the Housing LIN, is essential reading for policy makers, commissioners and providers alike. It gives a comprehensive tour of latest government policies and examp


Lifetime Homes, Lifetime Neighbourhoods – A User’s Guide

Published by the Housing LIN and HOPDEV, these leaflets explore key aspects of the Government’s housing strategy for an ageing society – Lifetime Homes, Lifetime Neighbourhoods. Aimed at planners, commissioners and providers of health, social care and ho


HAPPI – Housing our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation

HAPPI is an independent report, Chaired by Lord Richard Best which makes recommendations to Government and other statutory agencies as to how they should reform future policy to ensure our future homes and communities meet the needs and aspirations of our


Sustainable Planning for Housing in an Ageing Population

A guide for regional-level strategies. A starting point for anyone engaged in regional-level strategy formulation.


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