Paying for maintenance and repairs in your home
Maintaining, improving, repairing and adapting your home can be expensive. This factsheet gives you information about any help and grants that may be available to help you when carrying out any maintenance, repairs and adaptations to your home.
Adapting your home to stay independent
If you’re finding it harder to carry out everyday tasks at home, you may be eligible for adaptations to your home and/or equipment from your local council. This factsheet explains how to apply, who is eligible for help, and how to get a grant towards the
Extra care housing
Extra care housing is a specialist type of housing designed with older people in mind. It allows people to live independently while getting the care and support they need. This factsheet explains what extra care housing is, how to access it and how to pay
Paying care home top-up fees
This factsheet explains when you or someone else – such as a relative, friend or charity – might have to pay a ‘top-up’ fee for you to stay in the care home of your choice. These rules apply if your place in a care home is being funded partly or fully by
Assessment and care services from your local council
If you’re finding it difficult to manage everyday tasks at home, you have a right to ask your council’s adult social services department to assess your support needs. This factsheet explains how to ask for a care needs assessment and what support servi
Continuing Healthcare – should the NHS be paying for your care?
This factsheet explains when it is the duty of the NHS to pay for your social care. It covers what NHS Continuing Healthcare is, who is eligible, how the assessment process works and what you can do if you are unhappy with the outcome of an assessment.
Independent Advocacy
An independent advocate can support you when you are dealing with difficult issues and help you to get the care and support that you need. An advocate helps to ensure that you can express your wishes and views when in contact with authorities like your co
Housing options
If you’re thinking of moving, the different types of housing on offer can be confusing. This factsheet describes the main housing options open to older people and things to consider before making your choice.