A radical rethink is required in the way we involve and engage with residents of extra care housing

This Housing LIN Viewpoint no 28 considers how providers have approached involvement of customers in the past and whether engagement methods have moved on in recent years. It highlights some examples of innovative practice within the sector and challenges


A Guide to Making Complaints for Sheltered Housing Residents

Sheltered housing includes a range of different models of accommodation and support. The changing and increasing expectations of older people, and the age and nature of some sheltered housing, mean that those models need to be able to adapt to different r


More than just a few kind words!

A guide, including best practice examples, to involving and consulting residents around the design and review of service delivery arrangements.


Effective Resident Involvement and Consultation in Sheltered Housing

Report of a working group tasked to identify ways to make a positive difference to the lives of people living in sheltered housing, now and in the future. It was also required to address some of the explicit concerns made by older people about how the ch


EAC Housing for Older People Awards 2010

A report on the new national Housing for Older People Awards – the first awards ever to be nominated by the residents of sheltered and retirement housing. The Awards celebrate housing for older people in all its forms and give residents the opportunity to


Renting rooms in someone’s home : a guide for people renting from resident landlords

This contains information for people who are, or who are considering, renting rooms in a property where the landlord also lives. It includes the rent and other bills, repairs maintenance, type of letting and ending a letting.


Supporting People – a guide to user involvement for organisations providing housing related support services

A guide for staff and managers in organisations that provide housing related support services. It aims to encourage effective involvement of service users in all aspects of the support service. It sets out principles and opportunities, offers ideas, and p