Private Retirement Housing: Code of Practice – England
The Code for England was launched on 1 June 2016 by the Government under the Leasehold, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993. It aims to promote best practice in the management of leasehold retirement housing, regardless of whether the services are prov
A radical rethink is required in the way we involve and engage with residents of extra care housing
This Housing LIN Viewpoint no 28 considers how providers have approached involvement of customers in the past and whether engagement methods have moved on in recent years. It highlights some examples of innovative practice within the sector and challenges
Delivering Housing for an Ageing Population: informing housing strategies and housing policies
This guide is intended for housing commissioners and providers, and examines what type of housing is needed for an ageing population
Housing Code: England. Consultation Draft
Draft Code of Practice to help eliminate discrimination in housing. Aimed at all housing providers, Chapter 1 is an introduction, Chapter 2 looks at the legal context, Chapter 3 makes recommendations on good practice in 9 key housing areas, and Chapter 4
Opening up the Resources of Sheltered Housing to the Wider Community
Guide examining the issues around expanding the reach and scope of sheltered housing schemes to meet the housing and care needs of the wider community.
Developing a Housing and Community Care Strategy for Older People: A Do It Yourself Guide
A guide for housing providers to develop strategies for joint housing and community care for older people.
Resident Participation in Health & Social Care Provision
Report of a workshop held to discuss how the residents of sheltered housing might have a greater say in the type and level of support and care available within their scheme and the manner of its provision. 3 case studies plus the key areas of good practic
Resident v. Non-Resident Scheme Managers, Managing a Change
Report of a day workshop held by and for practicioners looking at good practice where the nature, scope and delivery of warden and management services to residents is planned to change and how ‘best’ to implement that change.