Looking for Rented Housing

Information for those considering moving into rented accommodation. Discusses subjects such as applying for council and housing association housing, private renting, sheltered housing, extra care sheltered housing, and housing for disabled people.


Health Services: Understanding your rights to healthcare

This guide aims to help you get the help you need if you feel ill. It tells you what NHS services are available and how to find them, as well as providing practical advice on the best ways to get the treatment you need.


Legal Arrangements for Managing Financial Affairs

A guide to legal arrangments such as power of Attorney, appointees, trusts etc. It briefly outlines the various methods of administration available and the procedures involved


Planning for ayour funeral (Factsheet 27)

This factsheet highlights things to consider if you want to plan ahead and make financial and other arrangements for your funeral. It looks at options when deciding what type of funeral you want, ways to pay for a funeral, and information about organ dona


Disability and Ageing: Your Rights to Social Services

Aims to help people find out if they have a right to social services because they are elderly or have a disability.


Age UK website

You can use this web page to find your nearest Age UK or Age Concern and the services it provides.


Volunteer Centre Finder

There are more than 350 Volunteer Centres in England, plus networks in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. You can find your nearest English centre through this web page.


Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for a Person Aged 16 or Over

If you have a severe physical or mental illness or disability and need help for more than 6 months you may be able to claim a Disability Living Allowance (DLA). These webpages describe what the DLA is, how to find out if you are eligible and how you can


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