Older People & Social Networking

This Housing LIN Viewpoint no 29 challenges the view that social networks are only for younger people. In fact, more older people than ever are using social networks; and not just to keep up with what their friends and family are up to. Social networks ar


Buying Goods or Services at Home

Explains your rights when shopping from home and how to avoid falling victim to cons and scams. Includes information about doorstep selling, bogus callers, and buying by mail order, phone, & internet.


Buying a PC

Information and advice about buying a PC. It covers issues to consider, where to buy a pc, thinking about your needs, and it has useful a glossary of terms


Shopping From Home : your distance shopping rights explained

A guide to shopping by telephone, TV, internet, catalogue or magazine advertisement. It explains what you are enitled to, tips to avoid problems, and what to do if things go wrong


Internet Access and Online Services for Older People Living in Sheltered Housing

Report on a small scale study that explored how older people in sheltered homes use the internet and how they and their carers feel about onlilne service access