Ask Sara
AskSARA for advice, support and products that make daily living easier. AskSARA is an award-winning online self-help guide providing expert advice and information on products and equipment for older and disabled people. AskSARA is easy to use.
Affordable Housing Glossary: A handy reference guide
This guide has been developed to explain what affordable housing is, the different tenure models available, who it is aimed at and how it is allocated.
Returning to England from abroad
This factsheet explains how to claim benefits and apply for housing, health and care services if you return to England from abroad. This factsheet is aimed at British nationals who have reached or are nearing retirement age.
Thinking Ahead: Housing, Care & Related Finance in Later Life
Silverlinks have developed a new “teach yourself” booklet which you can work through online in your own time. It will help you to understand what housing & care options may be available to you in later life, and include practical activities and checklist
Live safely and well at home
This updated brochure, previously titled ‘A fresh approach to later life’, explains how FirstStop Advice can help you explore your housing and care options and how to fund and pay for accommodation or services you need. Sections include Inside FirstSto
A practical guide to Community Legal Service funding
The guide explains how the Legal Services Commission funds civil legal services. It is for people seeking help on legal matters as well as those who can put others seeking legal help in tough with a solicitor or legal adviser. It explains the different le
No-win, No-fee Actions: And other ways to help pay for legal action
Information about the cost of taking legal action, other options, and what “no-win, no-fee” means
Shopmobility is a scheme that lends manual wheelchairs, powered wheelchairs, and powered scooters to members of the public who have limited mobility, so that they can shop and visit leisure and commercial facilities within a town, city, or shopping centre