Housing Options for Older People

Looking ahead to 2026, the rising number of older people, combined with increased longevity, will create a much greater need for properties suitable for the impaired and averagely frail very old. This calls for a commitment to new ‘lifetime’ homes, constr


EAC FirstStop Local Partnerships: A framework for working jointly to deliver housing and care options advice to the FirstStop model

FirstStop aims to expand the provision of good quality, integrated, independent and impartial information and advice for older people covering housing, care and related financial matters. This document expands on the aims of FirstStop Advice, the bene


Equity release (FS29)

Many older people consider releasing equity in their property in order to improve their financial situation; this factsheet helps to identify the various options available and important things to consider before making such an arrangement.


Collaboration between Registered Providers and NHS Trusts: Building an asset

The starting point for this Housing LIN Viewpoint no 31 is the fact that, under the Coalition Government’s health reform agenda, the NHS is being asked to save £20 billion from their budget. In order to achieve this, NHS is actively exploring ways in whic


FirstStop Evaluation: FirstStop Warwickshire value for money case study, December 2011

This report from the Cambridge Centre for Housing and Planning Research analyses the value for money (VFM) of the FirstStop Warwickshire service. It is part of an ongoing project. VFM is always based on a combination of research evidence and assumptions b


FirstStop Evaluation: Phase 2 Source Document, June 2011

A comprehensive report on the development and operation of the FirstStop Advice service. Includes aims and objectives, methodology, findings and analysis and covering both national and local FirstStop services, and a value for money analysis. (All extract


Live safely and well at home

This updated brochure, previously titled ‘A fresh approach to later life’, explains how FirstStop Advice can help you explore your housing and care options and how to fund and pay for accommodation or services you need. Sections include Inside FirstSto


Housing and care options for older people

An introduction to services that can help older people live more comfortably or independently at home, and the options available to those who decide to move in later life. It is written for older people who rent their current homes as well as those who ar


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