Collaboration between Registered Providers and NHS Trusts: Building an asset

The starting point for this Housing LIN Viewpoint no 31 is the fact that, under the Coalition Government’s health reform agenda, the NHS is being asked to save £20 billion from their budget. In order to achieve this, NHS is actively exploring ways in whic


Local Integrated Service Trusts – A Sustainable Funding Model to Deliver Extra Care Housing?

With a recent Social Care White Paper setting out a new direction for adult social care, this Housing LIN Viewpoint no 27 explains how Local Integrated Service Trusts could provide a sustainable vehicle for effective joint ventures between local authoriti


Housing LIN

This is the part of the Department of Health’s Integrated Care Network website that focuses on the work of the Extra Care Housing LIN (Learning and Improvement Network). It offers a broad collection of factsheets, case studies and good practice examples


Tenancy Issues: Surviving Partners in Extra Care Housing

The development of tenancy agreements for couples in Extra Care Housing, based on the experience of an Extra Care project in Southampton


Design Principles for Extra Care

Essential basic information about key design principles and issues to consider when designing and developing a brief for a new Extra Care Scheme


Achieving Success in the Development of Extra Care Schemes for Older People

A practical guide to assist developers of Extra Care Housing. It draws on the experience of providers of Extra Care Housing tested against the experience and perspectives of commissioners or those responsible for local strategies.


Private Sector Provision of Extra Care Housing

The private sector has had an involvement in the provision of extra care housing for at least 20 years. This fact sheet is intended to help statutory authorities commissioning extra care housing and private developers work together with a better understan


Models of Extra Care & Retirement Communities

Explanation of extra care housing, as housing & care provision, buildings, lettings, tenure.


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