Extra Care Housing Training & Workforce Competencies – Executive Summary
Summary of the report outlining a research set of competencies which local authorities, registered social landlords (RSL), voluntary and independent sector providers of extra care housing may wish to use in defining the tasks and duties of scheme managers
Yorkshire & the Humber Region Extra Care Housing Regional Assessment Study – Executive Summary
Executive summary of the regional analysis for extra care housing in the Yorkshire and Humber region. Supply and demand over the next 10 years.
Yorkshire and the Humber Region Extra Care Housing Regional Assessment Study – Report
Regional analysis for extra care housing in the Yorkshire and Humber region. This report identifies the supply and demand for extra care housing over the next 10 years, taking into account demographic changes and the market influences, and sets out a numb
Developing Extra Care Housing for Black and Minority Ethnic Elders
Focus on issues around providing specific extra care housing for BME elders. Assessment checklist for commissioners and providers to consider when developing extra care strategies.
Extra Care Housing Models and Older Homeless People
The role of extra care housing models, intermediate care and hospital discharge arrangements in providing and accessing housing, care and support for older people who have been homeless or at risk of homelessness. Factsheet 16
An introduction to Ageing in Rural Areas and Extra Care Housing
Introduction to the issues facing Extra Care Housing in rural communities. It highlights the ageing of rural populations and the pressures this places on commissioners of housing with care for older people. Facthseet 12
Funding in Extra Care Housing
Overview of the principal ways Extra Care Housing developments are financed, reviewing sources of capital funding, modelling of a scheme’s economic viability, and revenue funding