Dignity in Housing

This report and accompanying checklist takes a detailed look at policy and practice in relation to achieving dignity in a housing setting


Delivering End of Life Care in Housing with Care Settings

The aim of this factsheet is to raise awareness among housing with care practitioners and providers of the current agendas and developments in practice around end of life care. Factsheet 18


Opening Doors to Independence : a longitudinal study exploring the contribution of extra care housing to the care and support of older people with dementia

This report, with the support of an Innovation & Good Practice grant from the Housing Corporation, is based on research tracking people with dementia living in Housing 21’s extra care schemes. The findings conclude that extra care has a role in providing


Continuing Care Retirement Communities : A guide to planning

This guide is designed to be of practical assistance to those involved in the planning and development of extra care housing. It looks briefly at demographics, market research, feasibility studies, option appraisal, tenure, planning policy issues, plannin


Living at Hartrigg Oaks : residents views of the UK’s first continuing care retirement community

This report draws on the experience of the residents, including their reasons for moving there, the location, community, amenities, satisfaction etc.


Inrtermediate Care Services within Extra Care Sheltered Housing in Maidenhead

Housing LIN Case Study no 14. Example of an integrated intermediate care service providing short term, intensive support and assistance combined with the facilities and services offered by extra care housing


The Whole of Me.. Meeting the needs of older lesbians, gay men and bisexuals living in care homes and extra care housing

This publication is primarily aimed at professionals working in care homes and extra care housing. It explains how to recognise and respond to everyones’s needs, and sets out clearly the type of support that lesbians, gay men and bisexual people may need.


Futurecare@home: A collection of papers for the Housing LIN

A collection of papers for the Housing LIN by Nigel Appleton, Peter Colebrook, Dr Ian Donald, Alan Kell, Moyra Riseborough, Georgina and John Truscott, edited by Jeremy Porteus


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