Live at Home scheme

Independence, health, support, good company…these are all things that we value at any time in our lives. And when you live in your own home, it can be especially important to know you have a support network on your doorstep, geared towards your area, your


Choice-making pathways in social care and support

This study explored how people make choices about their care, how they obtain relevant information, and the barriers they face in choosing the care and support they want. It did so in the light of the recent Care Act (2014), which was intended to increase


The ARCO Consumer Code

ARCO aims to set and maintain high standards for operators of Retirement Communities in the UK. The ARCO Consumer Code was launched in 2015, and updated in 2017, to provide a benchmark for good practice within the housing-with-care sector. The Code applie


Cohousing briefing paper: Work on the wild side – For commissioners and housing and social care providers

This briefing, the second of two, has been written with commissioners and organisations providing housing and care and support services in mind. The main challenge is that it is virtually impossible to quantify demand for cohousing unless and until a coh


Cohousing briefing paper: Work on the wild side – For developers and architects

There is growing interest in exploring non-mainstream housing options for older people, including various methods of self-help and mutual support that are often similar to cohousing principles. This briefing is the first of two from the Housing L


A strength-based approach to ageing well: the housing dimension

This Housing LIN Viewpoint no 30 explores how older people can be better linked with communities and suggests that the key is to be found in working with the strengths of individuals and communities, in order to develop new connections and build relations


Help with the costs of moving and other financial support (FS20)

A brief guide to the main sources of help, including benefits, loans, grants and the Social Fund.


The Social Fund

This explains that the Social Fund is for people on low incomes, and can give grants or loans to help obtain important essential things, like heating costs, funerals, household items, clothing & footware, urgent safety costs.


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