Records broken as thousands vote for Housing Awards 2019
A record 19,000 votes have been cast by residents, families, visitors and staff for retirement housing schemes across the UK. 1,220 retirement developments are involved, along with the landlords and management companies that run them. EAC’s National Housing for Older People Awards were launched in 2010 to encourage those who live, visit and work in […]
EAC shortlisted for a Nationwide Building Society community grant – your vote counts!
National charities Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) and Housing Options Scotland (HOS) are delighted to have been shortlisted for a community grant of up to £50,000 from Nationwide Building Society. The partnership between EAC and HOS hopes to use each organisation’s considerable experience and expertise to deliver a ‘Housing Options for Older People’ (HOOP) service across […]