New EAC FirstStop Evaluation – Making the case for impartial information & advice

The Care Act 2014 and the associated Guidance places a duty on local authorities to ensure that integrated information and advice services spanning social care, housing and related finance are available to all. In addition there is growing pressure on the NHS and Social Care to move towards prevention and away from crisis interventions, delivering […]


New EAC/FirstStop blog provides forum for debate around I&A

EAC’s new blog is aimed at people working in FirstStop’s field of information & advice for older people and their families around housing, care and related finance – as well as relevant policy makers, commissioners, academics and potential funders/investors. For the last two decades or more there has been a broader move to position welfare […]


Nationwide commits further £100k to extend FirstStop project

Nationwide has committed a further £100,00 to extend a project, piloted between January and September 2014, for a further 9 months. The Living Safely and Well at Home project was piloted between January and September 2014, funded by Nationwide through its Citizenship at Nationwide programme, and intended to help deliver on its commitments under the […]


FirstStop ‘Home from Hospital Tool’ on the way

Welcome to the EAC FirstStop ‘Home from Hospital Tool’, an online resource designed to inform you of the support and assistance that may be available to you following a stay in hospital. Our tool is currently still being developed but we are keen to receive feedback on what works and what parts could be improved; […]