Independent advice on housing and care options for older people
If you are interested in exploring your housing options we would encourage you to use our Housing Options for Older People (HOOP) self-help tool or explore the advice pages of our HousingCare website.
Any information you give us will be treated in strict confidence, in line with our Data Protection Policy.
EAC FirstStop Advice
FirstStop Advice is an independent, free service providing advice and information for older people, their families and carers about care and housing options in later life. The service is provided by Elderly Accommodation Counsel (EAC) in partnership with other national and local organisations, and brings together a wealth of expertise to help older people and their carers explore the options and choices open to them and access the housing, support and care services they need.
Email us at
Visit our online self-help HOOP tool:
Visit the HousingCare advice pages
For all other enquiries on, Elderly Accommodation Counsel and our services, contact us at