Retirement Housing Group

Improving housing choices for the growing number of older people in the UK

The Retirement Housing Group (RHG) is a membership organisation that represents providers of all types and tenures of retirement housing in the UK. It is the only body of its type in the country.

We believe retirement housing can provide a great solution to people looking for more assistance and support in later life. However, because of many restraints the UK does not currently build enough new housing suitable for older people.

Our members

Our members represent all parts of the retirement housing sector, including those providing retirement housing with care and with support, and across all tenures, as well as other organisations supporting the sector and providing services.

This means we cover the full range of issues from designing, planning, building, selling and managing housing across all tenures for people who are retired.

View our members

Our aims

  • Improve housing choices for older people
  • Promote the benefits of retirement housing
  • Undertake research to demonstrate demand
  • Advise on planning policies to meet older people’s needs
  • Show how barriers to development can be overcome
  • Bring evidence and solutions to decision makers

Read our report Planning for retirement?

Properties of our members


Saxon Gardens

Penn Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6DF.
Extra care housing

Lawrence Place

Whitehorse Lane, Maldon, Essex, CM9 5QR.
Retirement housing

Turner Place

The Moors, Thatcham, Berkshire, RG19 4AT.
Retirement housing

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