Hampshire County Council: Home services
1 - 11 of 11 Home services, provided by Hampshire County Council.

Hampshire County Council

Adult Social Care
Advice and support with regards to help in your home, moving into a care home, living with disabilities, your well-being and finances.
Contact: Hampshire County Council, .

Adults' Health and Care help and support
If you need further help with social care issues, Adults' Health and Care have trained and skilled staff who can assist you What we do We provide you with good quality information and advice to enable you to make infor...
Contact: Hampshire County Council, , Hampshire.

Coming home from hospital
Short Term Recovery and Assessment Services These short term services are designed to support your recovery when you leave hospital whilst we help you to plan for any possible future care needs. Before you are dischar...
Contact: Adult Services, .

Connect: community transport in Hampshire
Community transport offers a wide range of passenger transport services to help you make essential journeys
Contact: Hampshire County Council, .

Council care homes, respite and day centres
If you are going to live in a home or receive a service run by, or supported by, Hampshire County Council, you can be assured of safe, good quality care and support
Contact: Adult social care, .

Disabled Facilities Grant
What are they? Disabled facilities grants can help people live more comfortable and continue to live in their own home. What are they for? Disabled facilities grants can be for a wide range of adaptations to y...
Contact: Adult social care, .

Equipment and adaptations
Equipment and adaptations There is a wide range of equipment, adaptations and advice that can help make your life at home easier and safer
Contact: Adult social care, .

Hart Shopper
The service runs in the Blackwater, Yately, Hawley and Eversley areas of Hampshire. Passengers will be picked up and dropped off at their home address.You can get picked up from your home address and travel to: Camberley...
Contact: Hampshire County Council, .

Meals on Wheels
If you live in the Hampshire County Council area, you can choose to receive Meals on Wheels through a service organised by the Council if you have certain needs. You must be aged 55 or more, or be 18 to 54 years old and...
Contact: Adult Services, .

Safe, Warm and Secure
Struggling to keep your home warm? Help is at hand As more people feel the impact of rising energy costs and increasingly cold weather, Hampshire County Council is reminding those struggling to heat their homes that hel...
Contact: Hampshire County Council, , St James Hospital, Locksway Road, Portsmouth, PO4 8LD.

Safeguarding adults
Safeguarding adults means making sure that vulnerable adults are protected from abuse. Protecting and safeguarding adults is everybody's business. If you, or another vulnerable adult you know is being harmed in any way b...
Contact: Adult Services, .
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