Age UK Somerset: Home services
1 - 9 of 9 Home services, provided by Age UK Somerset.

Age UK Somerset

Activities and events
Here is where you can find out about Age UK Somerset activities and events taking place. Exercises - Online exercises - Tai Chi & Yoga - Fitness classes - Events
Contact: Age UK Somerset, , Ash House, Cook Way, Bindon Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 6BJ.

Ageing Well
Ageing well is a National programme managed by Age UK and is funded locally by Somerset NHS PCT. The service promotes physical activity for mental and physical health and wellbeing - “adding years to life, adding l...
Contact: Age UK Somerset, , Ash House, Cook Way, Bindon Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 6BJ.

Befriending Service
Due to some funding changes we are currently in the process of reviewing our Befriending service to consider the options available. This review will have no impact on the 200 or so matches that have already been m...
Contact: Age UK Somerset, , Ash House, Cook Way, Bindon Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 6BJ.

Friendly Phone Calls Service
The aim of the service is to support and improve the wellbeing of clients struggling with loneliness. After an initial assessment of an individual's needs, a volunteer is assigned to call them each week and additional su...
Contact: Age UK Somerset, , Ash House, Cook Way, Bindon Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 6BJ.

Help with Benefits
Age UK Somerset provides an independent, confidential and free welfare benefits service for older people. We offer advice on benefits for people receiving the State Pension. In the first instance we would talk wit...
Contact: Age UK Somerset, , Ash House, Cook Way, Bindon Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 6BJ.

Information and Advice
Age UK Somerset provides information and advice on a wide range of issues. We’ll provide you with the facts and you can make choices and decisions knowing you have reliable information. We will give you informatio...
Contact: Age UK Somerset, , Ash House, Cook Way, Bindon Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 6BJ.

Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)
An LPA is a legal document appointing a person of your choice to make decisions on your behalf. It allows you to plan ahead and ensure that someone you trust is legally able to act and make decisions on your behalf if, i...
Contact: Age UK Somerset, , Ash House, Cook Way, Bindon Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 6BJ.

Scams Advice
Age UK Somerset has an Anti-Scams Officer who works across North Somerset, funded by North Somerset Council (Trading Standards).
Contact: Age UK Somerset, , Ash House, Cook Way, Bindon Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 6BJ.

Toe Nail Cutting
Age UK Somerset can offer clients a simple toenail cutting service provided by trained staff in a clinic environment. We can't provide any other kind of podiatry or chiropody service and we cannot help with fingern...
Contact: Age UK Somerset, , Ash House, Cook Way, Bindon Road, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 6BJ.
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