London Borough of Newham: Home services
1 - 6 of 6 Home services, provided by London Borough of Newham.
London Borough of Newham

Adult Social Care
We want people to live as independently as possible within the community. Services provided can include: • healthcare • equipment • help in your ho...
Contact: London Borough of Newham, .

Blue Badge Scheme in Newham
A Blue Badge enables you to park close to facilities and services to improve your independence. It can be used in all European Community Countries
Contact: Parking & Transport, , Building 1000 Dockside Road, London, E16 2QU.

Home Adaptations
Home adaptations make carrying out daily activities easier and safer if you have a disability. They can include things such as: Installing a stair lift or through floor lift Widening doorways Constructing a concrete...
Contact: Adult Social Care Team, .

Housing, homes and homelessness
Information on: Council tenantsLeaseholders - Information and Advice Landlords in NewhamPrivate renting in NewhamSupported and sheltered housingEmpty propertiesNewham low cost and council housingHomelessness preven...
Contact: Housing, .

Telecare personal alarm systems Telecare is a personalised alarm system. It offers remote care to support people to stay safe and to continue to live independently within their own homes. It also provides support and re...
Contact: London Borough of Newham & NHS Newham, , WSD Project Team, 3rd Floor, Gable House, 27a Romford Road, Straton, London, E15 4LL.

The Resource Centre
Our in-house day opportunities service is based at The Resource Centre, Chargeable Lane and supports people to live their lives at home and within the community. Older people services We support older people to achieve...
Contact: Newham Health & Social Care, , The Resource Centre, 200 Chargeable Ln, London, E13 8DW.
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