London Borough of Harrow: Home services
1 - 5 of 5 Home services, provided by London Borough of Harrow.

London Borough of Harrow

Adult Social Care
We aim to support people to live independently in their own homes or where this is not possible, to provide alternative care arrangements that allow them to be as independent as possible. First steps Everyone who i...
Contact: London Borough of Harrow, .

Carer Support
If you are providing unpaid care and support to a vulnerable person living in the Harrow Community, we want to ensure that you are aware of what support may be available for you. We hope the following links and options ...
Contact: Adult social care, .

Helpline alarm service
What is Telecare? What is a Helpline alarm? Helpline (also known as a Community Alarm) is useful if you are home alone and at risk of an emergency. It works by having a pendant alarm which is worn round your neck or wris...
Contact: Harrow Helpline, , Telecare Civic, 1 Station Road, Harrow, London, Middlesex, HA1 2XF.

Home Improvement Agency Service
If your home is run down and the thought of organising repairs and improvements tempts you to sell up and move, help is at hand. Staying Put provides the following services: Help, advice and support for elderly people...
Contact: Harrow Staying Put, , Room 411, Civic Centre, Station Road, Harrow, London, HA1 2EE.

Housing and Property
Pay your housing rent Report a home repair Rough sleepers Sheltered housing Home improvements Housing options Visit our webpage at
Contact: Housing, .
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