Age UK Oldham: Home services
1 - 16 of 16 Home services, provided by Age UK Oldham.

Age UK Oldham

Activities and events
Find out here about activities and events taking place at Age UK Oldham
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

A-Z of services
Index of all our services
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

Befriending Service
Our Befriending Service offers friendship and companionship to older people who live alone or who are housebound. People can become isolated for a variety of reasons - ill health disability or social disadvantage - but ...
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

Choosing the Right Care and Support
Choosing the Right Care is a project that provides an independent support and information service to anyone who requires any assistance in finding suitable care within the community or in a care home in the Oldham area. ...
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

Day Care Service
Our Day Care Centres provide a friendly and caring environment combined with opportunities for pursuing old and new interests. Working together with Oldham Council, our Day Care provides seven days of service across two...
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

Dementia Carers Assessment Service
Information and support for carers of those living with dementia. All carers are entitled to their own assessment to determine if they are eligible for support. If you are caring for someone with memory loss or dementia...
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

Dementia Information and Support Service
Finding out that you or someone you care for has memory problems or has been diagnosed with dementia can be a very anxious time. At this time you may be in need of additional support and reassurance. We can help you to f...
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

Disability Aids and Mobility Equipment
Our More Mobile shop provides information, advice, equipment and gadgets that can help older people in the community maintain independence.
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

Falls Prevention Exercise Scheme
We offer tailored, evidence-based exercise class to assist older people who have experienced falls or are considered to be at high-risk of falling.
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

HandyVan Service
The type of repairs that the scheme covers include DIY jobs and maintenance that you usually carried out in the past, but no longer feel safe to do so. We also work with a plumber, a registered builder, g...
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

Information, advice and support
How we can help you: Money & Benefits - Housing Issues - Disabled transport queries - Form filling (specific age related benefits and carers allowance) - Understanding documents - General advice - Local servic...
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

Leisure and social activities
We run a number of leisure and social activities for older people in the Oldham area. Over 50s leisure classes Tea dances Older LGBT Group Holidays
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

Men in Sheds
“A shed is to a man what a handbag is to a woman – both contain all the essentials for surviving in the modern world.” Age UK Oldham’s Men in Sheds project is an initiative funded by the Local Au...
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

Older LGBT Group
Older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual people want all of the same things in later life as heterosexual older people. This includes staying in their own homes for as long as possible and being treated with re...
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

Shopping and Delivery Service
Our Shopping Delivery and Safe at Home service is available to older, housebound and less-abled people who find it difficult to shop for themselves. Based at the Co-operative supermarket in Lees, the Shopping Service co...
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.

Technology and Us
Here at Age UK Oldham we offer classes and home visits designed to get older people up to speed with technology and connected to our increasingly technological society. Over one million older people living in the UK tod...
Contact: Age UK Oldham, , 10 Church Lane, Oldham, OL1 3AN.
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