Aberdeenshire: Transport > Transport Services services
1 - 15 of 15 Transport Services services in Aberdeenshire.
Alford Car Transport Service
Community Transport
The journeys we cover include: hospital admissions and discharges hospital appointments hospital visits GP surgery dentist, optician and chiropodist nursing home visits carer and other group ...
Contact: Alford Car Transport Service.
Ballater Royal Deeside
Community minibus
Ballater Royal Deeside Ltd. run a fortnightly shopping service from Braemar to Ballater and Banchory on a Tuesday. The transport is free but donations to sustain the service are welcome.
Contact: Ballater Royal Deeside, Ballater Royal Deeside, The Old Bank House, Ballater, Aberdeenshire, AB35 5QB.
Banffshire Partnership Rural Transport Hub

Our buses are used to take clients shopping. If you live in our area and don’t have a car or easy access to public transport, the shopping bus could just be what you are looking for. We offer a door to door servic...
Contact: Banffshire Partnership Rural Transport Hub, The Old School, Boyndie, Banff, Banffshire, AB45 2JT.
CarePlus Scotland (Ltd)
Home care / Hospital at home
We provide both registered nursing and home care staff, for : All Personal care, Meals, accompanied outings, such as hospital, vets etc. Respite home care to relieve family support, ie holidays etc or day relief.&nb...
Contact: Care at Home Services, 59 Bonnygate, Cupar, Fife, Cupar, Fife, KY15 4BY.
Cromar Volunteer Patient Transport Group
Patient Transport
The service operates for people in Cromar who do not qualify for the Scottish Ambulance Patient Transport service and who have no access to other means of transport. It can help patients get to a variety of differen...
Contact: Cromar Volunteer Patient Transport Group.
Mearns Area Partnership

Community Transport
About the Minibus Our bus is a Mercedes Sprinter minibus which can carry 15 passengers. It is fully accessible and is equipped with a tail lift to enable those with limited mobility, in wheelchairs or with walking frames...
Contact: Mearns Area Partnership.
Mid Deeside Community Trust
Community Transport
It assists people without cars, parents and toddlers, young people, elderly and people with disabilities to participate in the life of the community and reach important services.
Contact: Mid Deeside Community Trust.
Oldmeldrum Hospital Visiting Service
Hospital Visiting Service
Lifts are provided to Aberdeen hospitals on Wednesdays and Inverurie hospital on Thursdays. The service is provided by the Church of Scotland Pastoral Care Committee.
Contact: Oldmeldrum Hospital Visiting Service.
Pitmedden Community Bus
Community Transport
The bus leaves Tarves at approximately 10.25am on Sunday, returning at 12.30pm. This service operates on passenger demand.
Contact: Pitmedden Community Bus.
Portlethen Community Ambulance
Community Ambulance
The Community Ambulance also transports members of Senior Citizens Lunch Clubs to and from their weekly meetings in Portlethen and Newtonhill. On Sunday mornings, the Ambulance is used by Portlethen Church to tran...
Contact: Portlethen Community Ambulance.
QEF Mobility Services

QEF Mobility Services
Driving AssessmentsAs part of your specialist assessment, you will spend individual time with our qualified and experienced professionals, who will give you the opportunity to discuss your needs and aspirations. Yo...
Contact: Mobility Services, 1 Metcalfe Avenue, Carshalton, Surrey, SM5 4AW.
Royal Voluntary Service

Getting Out and About
One in three older people find it difficult to get around, particularly if they don’t have a car or find public transport challenging. Royal Voluntary Service provides community transport to help older people get o...
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.

Hospital Support
We provide a wide range of services and support in hospitals which free up NHS staff time for patient care. Our thousands of hospital volunteers help improve older people’s experience in hospital, support their rec...
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.

Supporting People
Royal Voluntary Service volunteers provide practical help and companionship that make a big difference to the lives of thousands of older people each month, helping them to live more independent lives. As part of our Co...
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.
Silver Circle Community Transport
Shopping Bus - Bellabeg and Glenkindie
Every Friday morning. Pick up Bellabeg or Glenkindie. Goes to Alford, Aboyne, Ballater and Huntly in turn. Fare £2 concessions free. Organised and managed by The Silver Circle. Phone to book a seat.
Contact: Silver Circle Community Transport.