Community transport in BanffshireWhat does it do?
Our buses are used to take clients shopping. If you live in our area and don’t have a car or easy access to public transport, the shopping bus could just be what you are looking for.
We offer a door to door service giving you a choice of towns and supermarkets and shops to shop. And, for those of you who have a One Scotland bus pass the service is free. All we ask for in return is a small donation to help with replacing the buses. Please call us for more information.
We offer a door to door service giving you a choice of towns and supermarkets and shops to shop. And, for those of you who have a One Scotland bus pass the service is free. All we ask for in return is a small donation to help with replacing the buses. Please call us for more information.
Who it is for?
Older people living in Banffshire
Where it is available?
Local service serving within 10km of AB452JT.
Info last updated:

The Old School, Boyndie, Banff, Banffshire, AB45 2JT