Barnet: Socialising > Activities services
21 - 29 of 29 Activities services in Barnet.
Remark! Living

Remark! Living
Remark! Community strives for a world where Deaf people have accessibility in all that they do. With the help of Remark! Community, Deaf people of all ages can access services and attend social activities using their pre...
Contact: Remark! Living Community Care Service, 18 Leather Lane, London, EC1N 7SU.
Royal Voluntary Service

Advice and Support
Guidance and advice on: Easy exercises to do at home - Eating well when you’re over 70 - Feeling well and overcoming loneliness - Guide to Retirement - Hospital stays - Hydration - Keeping active with health condit...
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.

Social Activities
Whether you want to meet friends for a bite to eat, enjoy a hobby or interest with like-minded people or want to learn new skills, there’s something for everyone. Some of our clubs and groups take place in Royal Vo...
Contact: Royal Voluntary Service, Beck Court , Cardiff Gate Business Park , Cardiff , CF23 8RP.
Salvation Army UK

Salvation Army Lunch Clubs
We don't just provide lunch clubs and Christmas dinners, but play an important role in creating new friendships through to reducing isolation through healthy and hearty meals in a safe and caring environment. Our halls ...
Contact: Salvation Army Churches & Community Centres, 101 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6BN.

Salvation Army Lunch Clubs
We don't just provide lunch clubs and Christmas dinners, but play an important role in creating new friendships through to reducing isolation through healthy and hearty meals in a safe and caring environment. Our halls ...
Contact: Salvation Army Lunch Clubs.
Stroke Association

Stroke support in your area
Our services are commissioned locally, and provide a variety of support options Stroke support groups offer peer support to stroke survivors, carers, family and friends. Search to see what’s available in your loca...
Contact: Stroke Association, Stroke House, 240 City Road, London, EC1V 2PR.
Tourism for all

Tourism for All UK
Tourism for All UK is an independent charity supporting leisure and tourism opportunities for all, operating an information service to older and disabled people, and working with the industry and government to raise the ...
Contact: Charity, PO Box 318, Wirral, Merseyside, CH32 9GG.
Tu Vida

Barnet Carers Centre
Offers a range of services to support carers, including benefits advice, counselling, carer respite and personal home care.
Contact: Barnet Carers Centre, 3rd Floor, Global House, 303 Ballards Lane, North Finchley, London, N12 8NP.

U3A - The University Of The Third Age
The Third Age Trust is the national representative body for the Universities of Third Age (U3As) in the UK. U3As are self-help, self-managed lifelong learning co-operatives for older people no longer in full t...
Contact: The Third Age Trust, The Old Municipal Buildings, 19 East Street, Bromley, Kent, BR1 1QE.